Who inspires you to be healthy?

This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @ JillConyers.com, & Jessica Joy @ TheFitSwitch.org) is…

Who in your life inspires you to be healthy?”

I thought long and hard about this one, and was originally going to answer, “Myself,” because that is inherently true. If I didn’t care about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I [obviously] wouldn’t do it.

I gave it a little more thought, and you know what? While that was the original reason as to why I started, as with many other aspects in life, things change as you learn and grow.

So here’s my new answer:

My future patients.

Like I mentioned at the very top of my blog manifesto (and also my About page), one of my main goals in life is to lead by example. I don’t feel that my patients would believe me or want to listen to me if I smoked, drank alcohol, ate super unhealthily, and didn’t at least try to do the best I could to live a healthy lifestyle.

I’ve been all in for Family Medicine for almost a decade now, from the day I first started volunteering as a medical interpreter at Paul Hom Asian Clinic to this elective rotation I’m on right now. My “safe” answer all through med school was that “I’m trying to keep an open mind about all the specialties, but at present, I’m most interested in going into Family Medicine.”

But let’s be real here. I honestly cannot imagine myself in any other specialty.

I haven’t found another field where I’ve been as happy. Long long ago, a guy I used to date told me that he’d just gotten a new family doctor and that she reminded him of the kind of doctor he thought I’d be in the future, because she was kind, caring, compassionate, and brilliant. (Not gonna lie, that scored major points in my book. :O )

FM Officers representin' on Club Night! <3

FM Officers representin’ on Club Night! <3

  • What I love most about Family Medicine is the continuity of care–being able to get to know my patients over a long period of time. (Or at present, even in short-term cases.)
  • I like being able to follow up on them to see how they’re doing. (That’s why, as interesting as Emergency Medicine was, I wouldn’t be able to do it long-term.)
  • I love the emphasis on preventative care.
  • I want to help them to help themselves to make the dietary & lifestyle changes they need in order to lead healthier lives.

Last-last weekend, I went back to the hospital on my off-day so I could say goodbye to one of my favorite patients. (He was being discharged later that day.)

He’s an older gentleman who caught a stomach bug, and we kept him for a couple days because he was a chronic cactus (aka didn’t drink enough water, like me), and with the vomiting/diarrhea he’d been having, he’d gotten pretty dehydrated.

I’d taken to visiting and staying with him until his daughter came back (after I’d finished up for the day) because I knew she was really worried about him, but had to pick up her son from school in the afternoons and tend to matters at home.

He has mild dementia and gets really anxious, so I figured some company wouldn’t hurt, and seeing the way his eyes would light up when he saw me would always make my day. :]

Since his daughter had been sleeping at the hospital every night to stay with him, I brought them a couple bottles of water, and stayed to talk with them about increasing his daily water intake, food safety measures that she could implement in his home, and other things he could pay attention to in order to decrease the chances of him catching another bug. I will miss them, but I’m really glad that he’s feeling better! <3


It may be naive and idealistic of me to think this, but my hope is that I’ll be able to inspire my patients to live healthier lives, and if they like and respect me, they’ll be more receptive to the things that I have to tell/advise them.

I am well aware that I can’t change the entire world, but…do you remember that story of the man throwing starfish that had washed ashore back into the sea?

There’s a naysayer who watches what he’s doing and tells him, “You can’t possibly save them all. Even if you work all day, your efforts won’t make any difference at all.”

He listens calmly and picks up another one to throw back into the ocean. “It made a difference to that one.”

I’ll keep fighting the good fight. :]

Dish The Fit

Click the image to read my other Dish The Fit posts! :]

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/who-inspires-you-to-be-healthy/


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  1. The starfish story was powerful, I have never heard that one before. And everything you said in this entire article, once again, convinces me that you will be the best doctor EVER. When you graduate and actually get your MD credentials or perhaps when you score your first major job, I hope I’m in a place and at a time in my life where I can possibly come see you to congratulate you in person.

    1. I liked it a lot, and it’s always stuck with me. <3! Thanks so much, Kaylin! I really hope I'm gonna make a great one! :]! If you can't come visit, I'm gonna see if I can! I do actually have a small vacation (yayy!) after I graduate from med school next year, so there are slivers of hope! :]!

  2. I do believe that inherently there is somebody that inspires and motivates us to live healthy. While we may make the choice for ourselves, it’s usually triggered by something or someone. Our children, our relationships, etc. I really like the idea as a future doctor you do it for your patients. I think that says magnitudes about the type of doctor you’re going to be.
    Kati Rose recently posted…If I Hosted A Travel Show…My Profile

    1. Agreed! I think a lot of past experiences have helped to pave the path that I decided to choose for a career and my love for healthy living, and I really hope that I can inspire my future patients to do the latter! :]

  3. I agree with both choices: yourself and your patients. I think both are dependent on each other. It reminds me of the quote: “Make someone happy everyday, even if it is yourself” :)
    Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…5 Smart Tips to Become More Effective at PlanningMy Profile

    1. True that! :] That’s an awesome quote, and a great reminder that sometimes, to be able to take care of others, you gotta take care of yourself too!

  4. I know I’ve said it a bunch of times, but you’re truly awesome, Farrah! Will you be my doctor? lol Seriously, you make my day! :)
    Erin@BeetsPerMinute recently posted…Healthy Living : Progress without DestinationMy Profile

    1. Aww, thanks so much, Erin! <3 You made my day with that! :P I have no idea where the hecks I'm gonna end up in the country, but if it's near you, I will definitely let you know! :O

  5. you will make a great doctor or should say you are a great doctor! Your patients will love you! I wish all doctors had your mindset and yes, I think family medicine is for you- don’t change a thing!!!
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Who, what, why inspires you to be healthy?My Profile

    1. Aww, thank you! I’ve got a year and 2 months left to go (not that I’m counting…) before I graduate!

      Thanks so much! <3 I honestly can't imagine liking anything else as much!

  6. Lead by example!! Love that your future patients inspire you! :)
    Melanie recently posted…Race Recap: Hamilton Lakes 10KMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! :D I like to draw inspiration from my passion in life! :]!

  7. Hoping to inspire your patients to live healthier lives isn’t naive at all. It’s inspiring and wish more doctors had the same hope.
    jill conyers recently posted…Discover Your Inspiration from WithinMy Profile

    1. I’m just really scared that I’m gonna end up burned out and jaded, because I’ve seen so many who are! :[ I hope I can still hold onto this optimism/idealism throughout my career!

  8. This is a great question! I’m not sure if there is a specific person that inspires me to be healthy. While I need to do a little better, living healthy is constantly on my mind and I push myself to stay on track. But, my healthy friends also inspire me! I think you are going to be an awesome doctor! I’ve had doctors where you feel like a number (they’re in and out, don’t seem to want to give you any time, and I feel no personal connection to) and others where I feel like they really truly care about me as a person (in addition to my health). They’re my favorite doctors and I think you’ll be one of those! :)
    Vicky recently posted…Book Report {March 2015}My Profile

    1. I can’t really name a specific person either (other than myself, I guess). It’s awesome that your healthy friends inspire you! :D

      Thanks, Vicky! <3 I really hope I will be! :D I think it makes such a big difference in treatment/care when patients know that we care about them!

  9. I love that you have so obviously found your calling. You will be so happy, frustrated, elated, and saddened by your profession, but I think that you will realize that more than anything, you will be fulfilled when all is said and done.
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Daily Serving : Nutrition Simplified Dietitian Created Snacks (Tried it Tuesday)My Profile

    1. For sure! I know there definitely have been frustrations and there will continue to be sadness and disappointment, but I hope that it’ll help me to appreciate the positive parts just that much more!

  10. I really want to get on the track to being healthy!
    Karleigh recently posted…MOST ANTICIPATED RELEASESMy Profile

    1. There’s no time like the present! :D!

  11. “It made a difference to that one.” SUCH powerful words. I think that’s why most people in professions like medicine or education even start their journey. I know that I have made a difference in a few lives working at a high school and THAT is what it’s all about!
    Maureen recently posted…Rock Your Core April ChallengeMy Profile

    1. Agreed! I know it’s not realistic to think that we’ll change every life we come across, but if we can make a difference to even just a handful (although hopefully more than that <3), I think it's worth it!

  12. I also considered adding “me” to my list of who inspires me. I think your patients are a great reason to stay healthy. i believe in walking the walk not just talking the talk! You will make a Terrific Family Doc. your head and heart in both in the right place :)
    Jenn recently posted…Inspiration – #DishthefitMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Jenn! :D I really hope I will be! :]!

  13. I’ve a lot of family doctors in my day who don’t seem to “get it.” I’d love to have you as my doc one day!
    Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…March 2015 Top 5 Posts & UpdatesMy Profile

    1. Aww, thank you, Julie! :D I’ve come across several physicians that really make me wonder why they went into the field (or if something happened to make them the way that they are). :x Being nice should not be a novel concept!

  14. I believe that you most likely do inspire your patients to live healthier lives! My daughter inspires me every day to be the healthiest me I can be and to teach her how to do the same. Love your blog :)
    Stephanie recently posted…My Goals Teach My DaughterMy Profile

    1. That’s awesome! I’m glad you’re teaching her to be the healthiest she can be too! I think that’s one of the best life lessons! :]

      Glad I found your blog as well! :D!

  15. wow. that starfish story was great! I’ve never heard that. You are amazing. Your words just inspired me – you’re patients are very lucky to have you!
    Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Marine Corps 17.75K Race RecapMy Profile

    1. Thank you! <3 That story really stuck with me when I read it, and it popped into my head while I was writing this! :]

  16. You are so real and amazing and genuine. I wish you could be our family doctor! It’s so amazing that they motivate you, it shows how much you truly care, from the bottom of your heart. You will change lives, and already are, Farrah! So excited for all the people that get to be cared for by you! Is that cheesy?! LOL. You know what I mean. : )
    Jessica Joy @The Fit Switch recently posted…Melissa’s Transformation. 100 Pounds Lost and 13 Races Completed in 1 yearMy Profile

    1. Aww, thank you so much! <3! I really hope I'm gonna be awesome, and that the future programs I apply for think the same thing you do! (I'll have it made if that's the case! :D!)

  17. Right now my inspiration is my sister-in-law. She started Beachbody and PiYo workouts, and her dedication and fitness level after just a few months is so motivating! I’m now attempting the workouts and I know I can count on her to keep me accountable.
    Jaime recently posted…Traveling With a Toddler: A Dramatic TimelineMy Profile

    1. That’s awesome! :D It’s great to have someone to work out with + keep each other accountable. I’ve heard awesome things about PiYo workouts! I need to try em’ out sometime! :]

  18. I think you really will impact your patience in a positive manner. It sounds like you spend an incredible amount of time with them and you give all of your heart to each and every one. I just adore this about you!! Also your starfish story, perfection!
    Sam @ PancakeWarriors recently posted…Roasted PotatoesMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Sam! <3 I'm sad that depending on where I end up working, I may not have as much time to spend with each patient, so I've been trying to give em' more while I still can. I gotta find a way to balance it in the future! :]

  19. Farrah – I love this post – one matters – and one impacts many! You are so sweet and kind to have stayed with that gentleman – my dad was in that gentleman’s position before he passed last year and it would have mattered immensely to have had a nurse/CN sit with him like you did! You are a beautiful soul and you might think it’s just one – but that one impacts others – because of your kindness, that man and daughter and your coworkers (the one’s watching) might change their ways – might be subtle – but – it was because of one!

    1. I love that thought–that’d be all sorts of awesome if it did happen! I’ve always loved the “pay it forward” concept, so I try to do at least one nice thing for someone every day. If each of them passes it on to someone else, that ripple effect would be amazing! :]

      I’m really sorry for your loss. <3 That's exactly what I was thinking about when I heard the worry in her voice. I was away in college for a lot of the time that my grandma was sick, so I couldn't visit her in the hospital as much as I would've liked, and I would've given the world for someone to sit there and keep her company. I'm really glad I was able to do that for them though!

  20. How wonderful you are following your passion! I’m sure you will inspire many along the way. I literally JUST threw a starfish back the other day when we were on vacay. : )
    Marcia recently posted…Blame it on the Heat: Dream RacesMy Profile

    1. Yes indeed! I really hope I’ll be able to inspire others along the way! :D

      Thanks for saving that starfish! :]!

  21. You will be an amazing doctor and a huge blessing and inspiration to your future patients!
    Kate @KateMovingForward recently posted…2015 Goals Progress, April Goals, and Two ChallengesMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Kate! :D I hope I will be! <3

  22. I think you have an amazing outlook! Move to Florida and be my doctor! Seriously…I’m only half kidding. We could also do obstacle races together then :-)

    But anyway, I tend to like and respect doctors more if they walk their talk so that makes total sense to me!
    Montana Ross recently posted…Comparing Three Big Races: Spartan vs. Tough Mudder vs. Savage RaceMy Profile

    1. hehehe, not gonna lie–Florida is definitely on my list of “States I Wouldn’t Mind Living In” (otherwise known as my “Where I’m Applying For Residency” list)! I’ll let you know where I end up, and if I don’t end up there, an obstacle race would be a great excuse to travel for! ;P

  23. Farrah you will! You inspire so many people! You are one fabulous young woman and going to be one fabulous doctor! (But you already are…just in training, hahahaha!) XOXO
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…What To Avoid With A Dairy AllergyMy Profile

    1. Aww, thanks so much! <3 I really hope so! I'm trying to absorb as much as I can! :P

  24. I think you’re awesome Farrah ;) My kids honestly inspire me to be healthy. Setting a good example for them is HUGE for me.
    AJ @ NutriFitMama recently posted…Rock Your Core April ChallengeMy Profile

    1. Thank you! <3 I think being a good example/role model is one of the best ways to teach/inspire others!!

  25. I love this Farrah! I think my dad (who I lost three years ago) inspires me to stay fit. It runs in the family and I know he wants us to steer clear of the problems he faced.
    katie recently posted…Tips For Staying Healthy While Traveling + Airborne GiveawayMy Profile

    1. I’m so sorry for your loss! <3 I'm glad you draw inspiration from him though, and I bet he'd be super proud of you! <3

  26. I wrote a post about this very topic last year. My dad, who has lived life on the edge, is seeing his life catch up with him. He’s had a ton of health problems the past couple of years. He never took very good care of himself and is blessed with good genes (altho he doesn’t think so)! It is my dad who inspires me to stay healthy because I don’t want to end up with all the health problems he’s starting to suffer from. All lifestyle, and all preventable. (Ok, except arthritis).
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Product review: Lily Trotters Compression socksMy Profile

    1. Definitely agreed that a vast majority of the health problems that plague our society are, for the most part, very preventable. I’m glad that you’ve been inspired to stay healthy! <3

  27. I’d never really thought of this question before but I’m going to say what inspires me to be healthy is a combination of myself, my parents and my future children. LOVE your answer though :D
    GiselleR @ Diary of an ExSloth recently posted…Ginger-Spiced Carrot BreadMy Profile

    1. I think family + your own self are both awesome motivating factors for staying healthy! <3

  28. I feel like it’s the fellow runners around me that inspires me to be healthy.
    Carmy recently posted…Tiux ReviewMy Profile

    1. It’s good that you’re surrounded by awesome people that keep you inspired! :D

  29. I absolutely LOVE this!! You are so inspiring and I would love to have you as a family doctor. I have had my fair share of doctors who definitely don’t seem to walk the walk, and it makes them lack credibility in my mind.

    I love the starfish analogy as well. I read somewhere once that global change is a grassroots effort, and it totally is. Maybe you helped that one person by implementing some healthier habits, and they in turn inspire someone else, and so on. So really, it’s probably just not one person ;) Keep it up, friend!!
    Ariana recently posted…Triathlon Training UpdateMy Profile

    1. Thanks so much, Ariana! <3! I've come across both, and definitely want to be in the walk-the-walk camp! :]!

      Indeed it is! My hope is that it'll have an amazing ripple effect. You keep bein' you too! <3 I love how you inspire your clients + the people around you! :D

  30. I’ve no doubt you’ll inspire. Often what makes the biggest impact in another’s life isn’t so much what we tell them but what we show them without realizing it.

    1. Thank you! I really hope to! :] I think being able to walk the walk is a good start! :D

  31. I also like the starfish story. Simple but powerful

    1. Agreed, good sir! :]

  32. You are going to make an amazing doctor and the patients who will have you as their doctor will be super lucky!!! If only more doctors actually showed that they care about their patients more…
    Katie @ Huff ‘n Puff to Buff ‘n Tough recently posted…Monthly Weigh-In: March 2015My Profile

    1. Aww, thanks so much! I really hope I will be–I’ll definitely give it my best shot! :]

  33. I saw that starfish story on a coffee mug one time and really appreciated it. Thanks for the reminder ;)
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Try This Thursday 4/2 – variation of runner’s stretchMy Profile

    1. I love it too. :D Glad I could throw in a reminder! :]!

  34. Love that story! So inspirational! Thanks for the healthy reminder :)
    Rachel recently posted…Flexibility + Compromise = AdventureMy Profile

    1. Anytime! :P That story’s definitely one of my favorites! :]

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