This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ was to create a vision board! :D!
I loved this theme because I’ve always wanted to make my own vision board(s); I’ve just never gotten around to doing it!
Once upon a time, I made a personal culture map for school that I put wayyyy more work into than necessary because I wanted it as an eventual decoration for the corkboard in my room. It has unfortunately mysteriously disappeared since I moved out (noooo), but here’s a super-grainy picture of what it looked like!

But…I was out living my life, and by that, I mean that I was studying for my shelf exam and then trekked to my home-away-from-home (aka Please Save A Cat!) as my reward-to-self for finishing said exam, where we stuffed our faces with awesome home-cooked food and hung out with super-cool cats + dogs.
These boards aren’t completely fitness-related so much as they are related to my general approach to living, but most of it can be applied in that direction! :D

Be the doctor your parents wanted you to marry.
(Haha. :D Workin’ on it!)

In an effort to improve on my workout consistency, I figured I’d utilize the free time while I had it, and carted my butt off to the gym for the following:
- Lifting!: :D The squat rack was taken, which is actually a blessing in disguise, because I’ve learned to NOT do legs day the day before or between my BJJ/TKD workouts. I will die, or at least, I’ll want to die. I worked on shoulders/back instead, and between sets of dumbbell presses, a girl came up to me and asked me if I’d show her how to do deadlifts. I’m apparently the only girl she’s ever seen doing them, and she could tell that I knew what I was doing/had a super strong back. I was super flattered. :O I hope my explanation/demonstration/coaching helped her out! :]
- Cardio Kickboxing: This is one of the new group fitness classes offered at my gym, and the first time I’ve been able to go to it! (I’m so glad I factored “free gym” into my base site search. Priorities. >_> ) It kicked my butt and I wished I’d brought my water bottle, but I managed to live to tell the tale! I may or may not have also found my TOUGH MUDDER TEAM, because they were interested in goin’ for it!!! <3
- What’s one of your favorite motivational/inspirational quotes?
- What inspires you/keeps you motivated?
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Awesome what a great idea. I haven’t done a vision board in a few years they are great for the constant visual reminder. I made a pinterest board to house all my favorite quotes since I can’t seem to keep them together anywhere else! I Teach Kickboxing and it should always be at the top of your favorite list :)
Renee @ Bendiful Blog recently posted…My Favorites – January 2015
For sure! Most of my favorite quotes live on my “Words” pinterest board, haha. :]
Yeahhh kickboxing! I used to take a cardio kickboxing class back when I was in undergrad and the instructor kicked my butt on a semi-daily basis. I loved her and super-miss her classes, so I’m glad it’s once again in my life! :O
this is such a great idea to keep myself more focused. talking about cardio class, my gym is offering something called GRIT, it a HITT workout which i have fallen in love with. I love cardio kickboxing type classes as well.
Dixya @ Food, Pleasure, and Health recently posted…Blogger of the Week : Shashi @RunninSrilankan
That sounds like the RIPPED (I have no idea what that stands for) at my gym! :D I need more of them HIIT workouts in my life–I’m terrible at/with cardio! :O
Love your vision boards! I’m feeling very inspired. I don’t have one favourite quote, I pretty much just love all quotes that tell me to work hard, dream big, and chase my dreams. What keeps me motivated is knowing I can live a life I love if I just follow my passion!
genevieve @ gratitude & greens recently posted…Vegan Thai Pomelo Salad – For Sheena
Thank you! It’s super hard for me to choose one and only one favorite too, but I’m with you on that! Quotes on following your dreams are my favorites.
That’s the one prevailing thought that keeps me going every day! <3
I love these sentiments Farrah. And especially your doctor quote. Ha! You go girl!
Katie | Healthy Seasonal Recipes recently posted…picadillo with olives and raisins
It definitely made me snicker! Not so sure what my parents would think if I shared that one with em’, haha. Righteous indignation?!
Yay, I love vision boards! This is awesome <3
Annmarie recently posted…Augusta Sportswear Review + Large Active Kit Giveaway
Thanks! Me too! :D (Yay for all them pretty pictures!)
I’ve never created a vision board but I’ve heard that I should! Writing down my goals keeps me motivated… and held accountable!
Cassie recently posted…Meet Gabby Pavelko, Sweat Republic Founder
Definitely! At present, most of my goals are typed, but I do keep a daily running to-do list of things I need to accomplish! :P
These are some great sources for inspiration! I love searching pinterest to find motivational quotes!
Lisa @ Running Out Of Wine recently posted…2015 Tentative Race Schedule + Inspiration Board
Pinterest is definitely my go-to site for inspirational/motivational quotes and pretty pictures! :P
Your vision board is lovely! I have started putting one together for myself, and I’m encouraging my honey to do the same. I believe in speaking things into existence and a vision board keeps you focused on your goals! Mine is more tailored to places I want to visit, the lifestyle I want to achieve, and pictures of friends and family to inspire me.
Isabella @ LaBellaVidaDesign recently posted…Desk + Office Inspiration
Thank you! That would be an awesome one! I used to have a corkboard in my room that I’d keep updated with pictures of friends/family and places I wanted to go to/things I wanted to do! <3
Love your vision board, Farrah! I really believe in them and make different ones at different points in my life — you’ve inspired me to make a new one :) I love your focus on being kind to others AND to yourself. xo
Thank you! :D! I forget rather often that it’s okay to say no to people for the sake of my sanity, so I threw that in as a reminder that it’s okay sometimes to take a little time for yourself. :]!
This is really cool, Farrah. And I love that you helped that girl with her deadlifts. I think I’m always too scared to approach anyone in the gym (that and I do like my alone time at the gym hehe).
jess meddows recently posted…Good Morning Chiang Mai Tropical Inn Thailand
haha, I’m very much an alone-gym-goer as well. I only approach people to ask if they’re done with their weights. :x I’m glad I could help her though! :]
I LOVE vision boards! I made one last year and plan to do it again this year, but I’m going to do smaller ones for each month instead of one big one (like 8×10). Then I’m going to get a pretty frame so I can keep it front and center on my desk so I don’t lose sight of my goals! Love the boards you shared here!
Vicky recently posted…Photo Fun Tuesday!
I love that idea! That’d make a super cute flip-calendar of sorts too! :D
I think my favorite quotes are the ones that point the finger back at yourself. Must take responsibility for yourself.
Very true! I get pretty good at making excuses for myself, and definitely just need that kick in the butt sometimes!
I love cardio kickboxing!!! it gets my inner warrior out. Ha! There is this unofficial rule that no-one should be disrupted when working out but I actually would love to help someone if they asked me for help.
I love your boards! The positiveness is contagious! I recently read this quote and I love it: “Make One Person Happy Each Day Even If It Is Yourself”. :)
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness recently posted…Find The Motivation That Works For You
haha, that’s for sure! I usually don’t talk to anyone at the gym unless they talk to me first, but I’m glad I was able to help her out! :]
Thank you! And I definitely agree with that quote! <3
My coworkers LOVE cardio kickboxing! And so awesome that you found a Tough Mudder team! Two of my favorite quotes: “Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing” and “Life is too short to be anything but happy.” Happy Tuesday!
Gloria recently posted…The Weekend in Photos: January 9-11 – Night Running, Barre3 UTC and Cowles Mountain
I really hope they stay as excited about it as they seemed to be yesterday! The guys I do BJJ with were less than thrilled at the prospect, so if they don’t want to either, I’m gonna have to start lookin’ again. :'(
I love both those quotes! So very true–positivity and optimism make such a huge difference in quality of life. :] Happy Tuesday to you as well! <3
Love Vision Boards…and these were so helpful to get me motivated to create one! I like the quote, “Never Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle!”
I love that quote! :D I’ve told this to several people in my life, hahaha. :]
A vision board is such a great idea!
Cardio kickboxing sounds like fun! I’ve never done it…but so would!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Why You Can Get Fit At Home
It was a ton of fun, but I definitely should’ve brought a water bottle with me, haha. :P
I was just thinking about making a vision board for 2015! I truly believe that they work. If you have your goals and dreams nearby and you see them every day you are much more likely to keep focused on them!
Emily @ Zen & Spice recently posted…Create an Amazing 2015
Agreed! :D I hope to someday make a non-virtual one (when I’m done moving all over the place!) so I can put it up somewhere in my future space! :]
Beautiful! I started mine on Pinterest and I plan on continuing it to help me keep on start with my goals :)
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Visionboard 2015- Goals in Pictures!
Thanks! And same! I love the idea of keeping it updated with goals! :D
I love your boards! I need to make a vision board this year too, but I’m still trying to figure out where to start. Maybe it’ll be a task I’ll tackle this weekend! Hope you have a great day!
Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…A Taste Test at Nuun Hydration Headquarters & GIVEAWAY!
Thank you! :D I waded through Pinterest for a lot of mine (it is the sole source of time-warping for me–I’ll look up and suddenly, several hours will have passed by! o_o ).
I hope you have an awesome day as well!
Look at you dishing out tips at the gym! My daughter and being the best role model possible for her keeps me motivated.
Earl-Leigh recently posted…Water & Green Smoothie Love {Use the Coconut}
haha, I usually have tunnel vision when I’m at the gym and don’t go around giving out advice (I ain’t licensed to do so! haha), but I really hope I was able to help her! :O
That’s awesome! She’s super fortunate to have you as her mother! <3
I’m working on my vision board this weekend. Thanks for the ideas!
Megan recently posted…Let’s Do This #NOExcuses
No problem! Can’t wait to see yours! :D
fun! I love doing vision boards! I even did a post on mine as well >>
Tianna recently posted…Apartment Decor Ideas
This was definitely a fun theme! :D I have a corkboard in my bedroom at my parents’ house that I used to do this with! <3
Such a great idea, great way to remind yourself of where you want to be!
Jamie King recently posted…Stop restricting & get moving!
It’s nice having something to look at to keep me going! :P
Keep at it! Stay focused and positive this new year!
Julianne @ What the Bride Wore recently posted…The Top 44 Ideas for a Winter Themed Wedding
Thank you! I’ll definitely try hard to! :]
Great boards! Love that they reflect positivity, kindness, going after your dreams, believing in yourself, and just living your life and loving it! I am for all those things too! :)
Sharon recently posted…My Vision Board
Thank you! :] I’ve found that life seems to treat me better when I have a positive outlook on it! ;P
I love the boards!!! The sentiments are so great!
Jamie recently posted…It’s Only a Phase Mom: 5 Tips to Get You Through It
Thank you! :D They were fun to make! (But so hard to choose what to include and what to leave out!)
You are up to you! I love that!! It is so cool that you at least had a picture of your old vision had lots of stuff on there! I enjoyed your positive messages! Have a great day!
diane@runninrocker recently posted…2015 Vision Board
I hope I can find the real thing when I go home! I guess it’s somewhat outdated now since I made it over a decade ago (o_o my, how time flies…), but the memories would be nice!
Great post1! I am following your motivation board! :)
Jenn recently posted…My Motivation Wall – #dishthefit link up
Yay! Hope you like it! :D I’m going to have to warn you that I sometimes go on Pinterest spurts super late (or early?) in the a.m.–my apologies in advance! :x
Love this! Be The Doctor That Your Parents Wanted You to Marry: Love that One :).
Shantha recently posted…Why You Should Never Pay for Your Social Media Followers
That one definitely made my day! ;P I want it on a shirt!
That is so awesome a girl asked you for help with deadlifts! That probably took a lot of courage on her part, and kudos to you for being the badass that could introduce them to her ;) Right now fitness is still a huge part of my life, but the big scary things I’m working towards are more revolved around my business. A quote that keep me motivated right now are “Entrepreneurs spend a few years of their life like most people won’t, so they can spend the rest of their life like most people can’t”. It helps put all the sacrifices I’m making into perspective :)
Ariana recently posted…Breaking Down a Goal
Serious props to her! :O I’ve been trying to kick myself out of my comfort zone in these past couple years, but I don’t know if I would’ve randomly asked a stranger to show me how to do something! I hope I managed to help her!
Sending you lots of good thoughts! Even though it feels scary now, what you’re doing is awesome, and it’ll all pay off! That quote’s definitely a good one to keep your eye on the prize! <3
I absolutely love vision boards! It really helps remind me what I’m working for!
Lauren recently posted…Afternoon Shopping
Agreed! It’s definitely a fun (and pretty) reminder! :]
I love that you included several aspects of your life. Wonderfully inspiring images and words.
Thanks for linking up friend! #fitfamlove
jill conyers recently posted…Create A Vision Board
Thank you! It helps me to stay positive! :D
Farrah, you are quite the awesome quote collector, and the doctor one is hilarious! In a great way. You are definitely making the parents proud! And, I wish you could show me your deadlifts! That’s one exercise I don’t feel confident with. I would have asked you too! PS great work trying a new class!!!
Haha, thank you! :D I want that doctor quote on a shirt! :P
If I weren’t so terrible with technology and videos, I’d definitely be posting more on IG and youtube, but I am sadly somewhat of a fail in that respect! :[
Farrah, I LOVE your quotes!! I may have to put some of those on my own board :) I’m so glad you enjoyed checking out cardio kickboxing. I’ve done a version of that class quite a few times & loved that it was always different. Even sweeter that you found a Tough Mudder team from it!
Elizabeth @ Fit Life with E recently posted…Inspiration Board: Encouraging, Motivating & Rewarding
Thank you! :D I’m so glad they started up that class! :] It makes my cardio so much more interesting, and I’m definitely keeping my fingers crossed for Tough Mudder! :]
I simply love cardio kickboxing !!! Love all the images in your board. I totally agree with you on the quote you mentioned – “Be the doctor your parents wanted you to marry.”, Simply love it !!!
Sujatha recently posted…Wednesday Eats – 14Jan
Thank you! :D I definitely got a kick outta that one! :P
I love your vision boards! These are so pretty! I might just need to do one, too :)
Thank you! :D They were really fun to make!
Really love your vision board! Those quotes really motivate! I need to get it together and make myself one now. It’s been on my to-do list for some time. :)
Kat recently posted…How to Grow Roses in Miami – My Miami Rose Garden
Thanks, Kat! :D It was really fun to make! If you make one, I’d love to see it! Vision boards are awesome for inspiration! :]!