Vegan Vanilla Chai Oatmeal

Happy Monday!! I’m teaming up with a bunch of food bloggers for…Veganuary! Since it’s been super cold lately, I thought I’d come up with another warm/hot breakfast option to keep out the cold with this Vanilla Chai Oatmeal!

I’m somewhat of a tea fanatic, so is it really all that surprising that I’m using it to add extra flavor to my oatmeal? :P Chai is one of my favorites, so I figured I’d start with it!

As you might know, I’ve been working on eating everything in my pantry/kitchen for many years, and now that I’m likely going to be moving back in the direction of home, what better time than now to step up the finishing-up of everything in my apartment?!

Be sure to check the bottom of this post to see all the other vegan recipes we’re sharing today! :]

Vegan Vanilla Chai Oatmeal

Vegan Vanilla Chai Oatmeal

From at
Prep: Cook: Yield: 2Total:

You'll Need...

  • 2 chai tea bags
  • 3 cups vanilla soy milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 2 tsp Barleans ground flax seed
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • sprinkle of cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmeg
  • sprinkle of hemp seeds


  1. In a medium saucepan, bring the water, soy milk, tea bags and spices to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat and let simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Remove the tea bags + stir in the rolled oats. Cook for ~4-5 minutes, then mix in the vanilla extract and protein powder.
  4. Top with sprinkle of spices + hemp seeds + serve hot!

  • What’s your favorite vegan recipe?
  • What’s the first thing you cooked up this year?

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  1. I’m a huge fan of oatmeal, especially during the winter months. This looks super yummy!

    1. Thanks! :D I’m all for a warm bowl of oatmeal in the winter too!

  2. I have not had chai oatmeal before. I love that you did not add any sugar in. Looks like a cozy way to start the day

    1. hehe, I’m trying to avoid any added sugar/sweeteners since it’s already in pretty much everything!

  3. I love chai tea so this sounds delicious!!

    1. Thanks! I love chai too! <3

  4. Ohhh! I love Chai. this oatmeal would be a great way to warm up on a winter day! Especially a day like today where it was 4 degrees this morning. Agggh!
    Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Hello. It’s Me.My Profile

    1. Ahh! I hope you’re staying warm! :[

  5. This sounds like something I’d definitely enjoy!! Oatmeal and chai sound like a perfect combo!

    1. It was so good! :D

  6. I’m a big fan of chai so I love this idea! Looking forward to giving this a try soon!

    1. Yay! I hope you like it!

  7. Mmmm, I love chai flavors! This looks so yummy.

    1. Thanks! :] I love chai flavors too!!

  8. I don’t even remember the first thing I had this year…Probably some granola haha.

    1. haha, good way to start! :P

  9. I am fairly certain I ate leftover cheese straight from the fridge on New Year’s morning. We had some leftover :)

    1. haha, nice! I need to get back into cooking more!

  10. This warm and cozy oatmeal sounds so good! What a smart idea to use chai tea for extra flavor. I will have to add this to my list!! Thanks for participating in my vegan event! <3

    1. Thank you for hosting! It was a lot of fun! :D

  11. I’ve been looking for breakfast ideas. This one is on the list!

    1. Yay! I hope you like it!

  12. Love how this flavor combo sounds! What an awesome way to spice up oatmeal. Can’t wait to try this!

    1. :D I hope you like it!

  13. I love using tea to make oats! Great cozy meal

    1. I’m gonna have to try out other teas! :D
      Farrah recently posted…4-Ingredient Moroccan Red Lentil SoupMy Profile

  14. We have oatmeal pretty much every day, I like the idea of the chai flavor to it.

    1. I need to start having it every day–it’d be a great way to start off my mornings!

  15. Love the addition of vanilla in this oatmeal!

    1. Thanks! :]

  16. Looks really good! I eat oatmeal every day at work, so this would be the next logical step. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Anytime! I hope you like it! :] I need to start starting my days off with oatmeal!

  17. Sounds like a breakfast for champions.

    1. Thanks! :D

  18. This looks so good I totally want to make it now!


    1. Thankfully it’s pretty easy to! :P Hope you like it!

  19. Oh, this sounds great. I wouldn’t have thought to cook oatmeal in tea but it would be a great flavor.

    1. I need to try it out with other teas now! :P

  20. I’m all for a warm breakfast lately and this one looks perfect for a weekday morning treat!

    1. I love how easy/quick it is to make! :D! Definitely helps to warm you up in the morning!

  21. Oh neat you make it with actual chai tea bags! I thought it would be just chai spiced. That’s a fun idea.
    Erin Vasicek recently posted…Vegan Scrambled Tofu with Sweet Potato & Kale HashMy Profile

    1. haha, you can definitely do just chai spices too but I figured I’d experiment–it worked out pretty well! :D

  22. Looks like the perfect way to start the day! Yum!

    1. Yes indeed! :]!

  23. There’s nothing I don’t love about this. Yum!

    1. Thanks! :D

  24. This is a beautiful and a breakfast I would never miss!

    1. Thank you! :]!

  25. Wow such a healthy and delicious breakfast this is.

    1. I try! :D

    • Kate on January 9, 2019 at 2:45 pm
    • Reply

    This breakfast looks great! I love the flavors!

    1. Thank you! :]!

  26. I am fan of chai. Chai paired with oatmeal sounds delicious and a perfect breakfast to enjoy in this cold weather.

    1. Chai is definitely one of my favorites! :] I’m all for warm/hot foods right now!

  27. Starting the January post-Christmas cleanse (also known as my jeans-are-crying-out-for-help time of year), and protein oats and chia seeds are always my standby, you’ve just solved my breakfast question for me! Looks delicious :)

    1. You and me both! I have a ton of protein powder I still need to use up! :P Thank you, and I hope you like this! :]

  28. I love that this is cooked in tea! It sounds delicious!

    1. Thanks, Anne! :]!

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