Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2024

Welcome to the September’s Ultimate Coffee Date of the year! I have so much catching up to do…

Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2024

Enjoying some salmon from Mount Cook Alpine Salmon.. *-*

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I’mmm back from my trip to Australia/Tonga/New Zealand! It was a ton of fun and I’ll be writing up some travel posts on em’ soon, but today is not that day. (I still need to get the GoPro footage from my brother for our dives + swims + horseback riding!)

We spent a week in Australia on a liveaboard over the Great Barrier Reef and went on 3 dives a day (there was the option of 4 but it was tiring and above all, cold, lol). I got officially certified for Advanced Open Water a few weeks prior to leaving, so I got to do a couple deep dives. It was gorgeous over there, and despite it being winter over there, the water was still 20 degrees warmer than in Monterey! Since all our days (minus 1) in Australia were spent in/on the water, we’re hoping to go back at some point to explore the land part as well, hehe.

Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2024 | Farrah @ Fairyburger

A sunrise over the Great Barrier Reef on our liveaboard!

We spent about a week in Tonga so that we could go swimming with humpback whales!! It was an amazing experience + I never expected we’d ever get to get that close to them. <3

One of my favorite dishes in Tonga = ota ika (sorta similar to ceviche, but it’s marinated in citrus juice + coconut milk!)!

We spent our last week driving across South Island in New Zealand (from Christchurch to Queenstown)! It was definitely interesting learning to drive on the opposite side of the road, but we managed pretty well, and we were able to go on several hikes + check out a bunch of a little towns (I still yearn for the deliciousness that was our dinner at Silverstream Hotel)! :] I would absolutely love to go back someday in warmer weather to do more hiking/exploring!

From a hike on the Hooker Valley Track…

We also went horseback riding around an area where they filmed Lord of the Rings + X-Men Origins: Wolverine! Our guide let us canter several times. :D I’m hoping to eventually go back to taking lessons again (with the new scheduling thing we’re piloting at work starting today, this may actually be a possibility someday!). I used to volunteer at my college’s equestrian center in exchange for lessons once upon a time because I was too poor to afford em’ otherwise — definitely have been missing that a lot, especially as of late.

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…in an effort to promote wellness, my workplace has been having more events lately (yay for the wellness committee!) so I’ve been jumping at the opportunities because whyyy not! I got to go whitewater rafting/camping the weekend that I came back!

It looks quite cold/drizzly but it wasn’t too bad — I was one of the “lead paddlers” so I got absolutely drenched, but the wetsuits/splashguards definitely helped!

I also went to Color Me Mine last weekend with several other colleagues! I’ve never been to one before, but decided to make a mug since it’ll be useful either for drinks or for brushes (I’m attempting to teach myself watercolor via YouTube).

I was originally planning for a night forest scene of sorts, but underestimated the amount of time it’d take to put so many coats of paint on, haha.

Ombre it is! I actually kinda wish the colors would stay light like this, but I’ll find out next week how it looks!

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner! Also linking up with DarleneMichelleReneeJenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday.)

End-of-Month Recap

  • This month’s My Month Is Booked is up, so if you’ve read anything lately and want to link up, or if you just want some book inspiration, come on by! :]

  • Have you ever been whitewater rafting? I last went in 2012 when I first started medical school! It was a ton of fun and I’m not sure now why I waited so long to go again. ._.
  • How was your summer?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-september-2024/


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  1. Oh my gosh your trip sounds amazing! I look forward to seeing more photos and hearing more about it!

    How fun that your workplace is promoting wellness events – I wish more employers would focus on the wellness of their staff!

    1. It was so much fun! Was quite difficult to come back knowing I’d have to go back to work the next morning, haha.

      I’m really glad they are! It’s been rough there for the last few years and burnout has been an ongoing concern, so I’m very grateful to the wellness committee (and my colleagues)!
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2024My Profile

  2. What an exotic trip you’ve been on! That part of the world has been on our bucket list for awhile now,. Hopefully it will come to fruition soon. Humpback whales? Wow!

    1. It was totally worth the trip (since it took so long to fly over there, we figured we’d pack everything we could in and stay out longer, hehe). I hope you get to go sometime!! :]
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2024My Profile

  3. Your trip sounds so fun, with all kinds of activities to do each day. How fun! I have not been to a paint-it-yourself pottery studio in years, but the art geek in me loves that kind of adventure :-)

    1. We definitely packed it pretty full (but eased up a lil bit by the time we got to New Zealand, hehe). The pottery studio was so much fun! Planning to go back again at some time to try my hand at something else! :D
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2024My Profile

  4. Wow your trip sounds just amazing! So glad that you all were able to take off the time to do it.

    1. Thank you! I saved up my vacay for 14 months to make it happen, and super glad it could be done! (I don’t think I’ll be spacing out my vacations that much from now on though if I can help it. I was definitely feeling it.
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2024My Profile

    • Joanne on September 6, 2024 at 12:00 pm
    • Reply

    Oh wow; that sounds like such a fun trip! That water in the New Zealand Hooker Valley Track is such an incredible shade of blue. I have never been white water rafting but it always looks very exciting.

    1. Ahh, wasn’t it?! I was looking up trails to do on AllTrails and we definitely had to do it, hehe.

      It’s a lot of fun! :D I’m hoping to do Class IV rapids next time! *-*
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2024My Profile

    • LH on September 6, 2024 at 1:57 pm
    • Reply

    Schedule changes -> more free time? lol

    1. No schedule changes yet — that starts on Monday and I think it’s gonna suck for at least 6 months, but hooooping it’ll get better from here on out! These were just because I wasn’t working over the weekend, hehe.

  5. What an amazing trip!! Lucky you! I have not tried to paint any pottery… I’m not talented nut enjoy stuff like that.

    1. I had my doubts on how mine was gonna turned out, but they gave us really helpful tips, and thankfully it looks fine! :]
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2024My Profile

  6. Your trip sounds so fun! The thought of scuba diving scares me so much so kudos to you for getting certified! My husband and I just got back from a 21-day road trip to the Dakotas. We had a blast!
    Debbie recently posted…Catching Up Over Coffee: Sewing and Grinding DIY ProjectsMy Profile

    1. Thank you! I was apprehensive for the first couple dives since it’d been a while but diving multiple times a day helped a lot, hehe. :]

  7. Wow, you’ve had a lot of adventures lately! That trip sounds amazing and the photos are gorgeous. And… I want an update of how that mug came out!

  8. That looks like an amazing trip! I love the idea of a wellness committee and having fun events like white water rafting. I wouldn’t do that (too scared).

  9. What an epic adventure! It looks like you had so much fun! I tried to get certified for scuba diving, but I had a panic attack with the regulator…it’s not great for people with claustrophobia, it turns out!

    I can’t wait to see how your mug turns out!
    Jenn recently posted…An Ultimate Coffee Date For SeptemberMy Profile

  10. It sounds like an amazing trip. The scenery is stunning!

    I haven’t cantered since I was a kid at summer camp!

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