Welcome to another Ultimate Coffee Date! I say this pretty much every month, but it’s crazy how quickly time is going by! How are we already into the last couple months of 2018?!
I unfortunately don’t have any new recipes to share with you this week for Foodie Friday, but this week’s theme is Apples, so be sure to check out Annmarie + Esther’s blogs! I’ll be linking a billion of my previous apple recipes in the linkup. <3
Ultimate Coffee Date: October 2018

Cats crossing!
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that trying to schedule interviews during residency really isn’t fun. I I applied all over the country like I did for residency, and we’re given 3 half-days (yes, you read that correctly) to go on interviews. I’ve mainly been using up my personal/vacation days to go on them. Thankfully, my residency coordinator is the shiz and my co-residents are awesome, so that’s been making it possible too.
Somewhere amidst the air travel, flight delays, sleeping over at the airport due to said flight delay, and freezing in the call room, I managed to pick up a lovely cold right before my second interview, and am still dealing with a super-fun cough that I hope isn’t scaring all my patients away. (I hope it doesn’t last as long as the last one…)
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I haven’t lived at home in pretty much over a decade (save for one year in 2011-2012). I’m usually too busy to be doing much else other than trying to survive (grad school, med school, residency…), so it’s always so, so nice to get to reconnect and spend time with the super awesome people in my life.
It’s kinda become a tradition to pack as many activities as humanly possible into each visit, and I suspect this is likely to continue until I eventually go home someday (I keep prolonging it and I think my parents are getting worried that I’ll just stay out here for good…).
Sometimes things happen when you absolutely least expect it, but I like to think everything happens for a reason. <3 I’ve gotten weirdly superstitious as each year of residency creeps by (e.g. avoid the “q” word at all costs), so I’m gonna stop there because I’m vaguely paranoid about jinxing things.
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that as residents, although we no longer really get “graded,” we do still get evaluated on a very regular basis. One of the junior residents wrote this about me! :O (Thanks!)
I bumped into one of my favorite patients a couple weeks ago and she told me she was moving away! :[ (She’s the one I violated all the duty hours ever for to be there for her delivery, and you know how I feel about deliveries/childbirth…) We caught up on life and hugged each other and eventually both of us had to go in order to avoid the waterworks from starting. I’m going to miss her, but I know she’ll do awesome things, and I’m so glad I got to take care of her while she was here! <3
See past ultimate coffee dates here!
(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)
End-of-Week-ish Recap!
- Ever tried acupressure and/or using essential oils? Check out my review of The Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Acupressure with Aromatherapy!
- Come on another Travel Tuesday with me and explore one of my favorite state parks–Buttermilk Falls State Park!

- What’s been going on in your life? I was at the local co-op a couple days ago and one of the shoppers there greeted me and said, “If you don’t mind my saying so, you’re a beautiful woman,” and went on his way. With all that’s been going on lately in the media, it’s nice to know people can still be kind to each other without overstepping boundaries and the like. I thanked him and wished him a good afternoon.
- Are you Team Apple or Team Pumpkin?
- East coast or West coast?
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You are busy!
As a cat lady, I love that cat crossing sign.
Whenever I visit a friend or family member, I try to pack the visit full of activities as if I’m never returning.
haha, I try to stay busy! :P
Yay for a fellow cat lady! My friends noticed it and told me I had to take a picture of it since I’m the resident cat lady! :P
Same here! Glad to know I’m not alone! :]
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: October 2018
Sounds like you’re one busy lady! Thanks for sharing with us!
hehe, I have a tendency to try to pack way too many things into a single day!
I can imagine how stressful it is trying to schedule your interviews when you only have half days. Glad your coordinator is helpful. Good luck with your interviews!
Thank you so much! I hope everything works out!
Girl, I haven’t lived at home since… 2002!!!!!! Isn’t it weird to think about?! I move out when I was 13 years old! Went to boarding school!!
Whew, you left early!! I moved out in 4 years after you, hehehe. It’s definitely weird to think about!
It’s like they expect you to teleport to the interviews. Glad you’ve got some personal days and understanding “boss”. LOL on the cat crossing sign.
If I could teleport, life would be so, so much easier! I’m super glad that my program director and residency coordinator have been super understanding!
3 Days?!! Wow that is insane and does not sound like much fun at all! Glad you have some personal days.I am team apple right now and team pumpkin come November-Like February. I am an East Coast Man
haha, not even full days! :'(!! But I’m glad I have some personal days I can use too!
I’m team apple and team west coast, but I definitely like pumpkin and the east coast definitely has a lot of pull for me too (especially lately)! :P
Good luck with all the interviews! Can’t wait to hear where you will be going. I am more of an apple person myself
Thanks so much! I hope they all go well!
I’m definitely an apple person too! :]
I think you sound like the nicest person–I’m sure you are an amazing doctor! Good luck on your interviews!
Aww, thanks so much, Wendy! :] I hope they all go well!
Aw, I love that you received such lovely compliments this week. That’s so nice <3
Best of luck with your interviews!
I love to pack in as much as possible when I'm visiting. I hate going places and not being able to take advantage of the sights and experiences.
I am 100% Team Apple and 100% East Coast. Through and through.
Jenn recently posted…celebrate the non-scale victories
Thanks, Jenn! I really hope they all go well!
That’s definitely me as well, haha. I figure I might as well try to do as much as I can and even if I don’t get to everything, at least I still got to do/experience a lot!
I’m definitely Team Apple but divided on the coast part! :P
Good luck on all the interviews! That’s crazy how limited the time is you’re alotted for them…
Thank you! Hopefully it’ll all work out!!
I remember leaving for college and thinking I would never comenback home. Well I did 10 years later and live the town next to my hometown. It’s funny how life circles up.
hehe, I’m definitely hoping to eventually make it back home! I’ve just been taking a very convoluted path! :P
That’s a wonderful compliment! This world can use more “nice, kind” people! Add me to team apple!
It really was! <3
Yay for another apple fan! :]
I can’t even imagine keeping up with all of that! I’m so impressed that you are able to blog as well!!
hehe, I find little pockets of spare time here and there to write up and schedule a bunch of posts into the future! :P
Wow you’re having such an interesting life atm :) Good luck on your interviews! Hope you land some good thing.
Thank you! I hope I do too! :]
How lovely it is to catch up with your loved ones.
Keep that schedule busy! Time is gold.
Definitely will do–thanks! :]!
Cat crossing – I love that! Wow, that’s not a lot of time to do interviews. Sheesh. I’m glad you work with some awesome people that help make it possible for you to travel for them, etc. I hope you feel better soon too! Colds are sometimes just the WORST. And I’m totally an apple person. Yum!
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Craft Brew by Layla Reyne
Not at all! Thank goodness for understanding people though! :]
I think my cold has finally left me! That persistent cough was killin’ my voice and making it really hard to sing, haha.
Yay for apples! <3
Awww… nicest senior resident ever! That should make you feel good. I am going to check out the apple recipes now. I am definitely team apple.
Laurie recently posted…Happiness, Pleasure, and Chocolate Milk
It definitely made me smile! :]!
Yay for apples! Hope you find something you like there!
You sound like me when I go to PA or Chicago for a visit! It is hard to always see everyone, but I do try my best!
I hope you are feeling better and that you had a great interview!
And YUM to all the apple recipes!!
I still have yet to visit Chicago but I hope to at some point! I’m glad I’m not the only one that likes to try and pack everything in, hehehe.
Agreed! I can’t wait to try your baked apples!
Since my parents are so elderly, generally we sit around & then go out to eat. It’s kind of frustrating & tiring but then I imagine how they feel, so I can’t complain.
Hope that the cough goes away quickly! Mine seem to linger forever.
Seriously, how do you even have time to blog?!
I feel ya! I keep trying to drag my parents out to exercise with me but we’ve more recently compromised to leisurely strolls at the park when I’m back to visit, hehe.
Thank you! I think it’s finally left me!
hehehe, I write a bunch of posts in my pockets of spare time and schedule them into the future!
Oh man… I’m not going to date myself and say how long it’s been since I lived at “home.” LOL!
Hope your interviews keep going well!
What a crazy and exciting time in your life! Good luck with all of your interviews! Our senior residents are all so awesome this year. I hate to see them go!