Hi everyone! :] I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner! for October’s Ultimate Coffee Date! Pull up a chair/bean bag/whatever you like to sit on and come link and/or catch up with us! :]
If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that…I’ve been published! :O I wrote an article for an online magazine for the American Osteopathic Association! It gives tips on finding and scheduling elective rotations!
If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that cute animals make my world go round. If you follow me on instagram, you may have already seen these earlier in the year (e.g. around March, because no, it thankfully has not snowed here yet o_o), but…they’re too cute not to share here too! <3

Lately, Princess Muffin has gotten a thirst to explore the outdoors. Linda thinks it’s because she’s looking for me. ;_;
My foster kitty met a hedgehog at church! She was fairly indifferent, but Johnny (the hedgehog) really liked her and kept trying to burrow closer.

He wanted to test out his talents as a hat. Kitteh was not particularly amused.
I stopped by at Please Save A Cat before heading off to my family med rotation back in WV, and got to hang out with all the adorable animals there for about a day. <3

Look at Bonnie’s ears fly! <3

They function to block out the light too! :] I love this cuddle pile!
If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that only the first + last paragraphs in this entire post were real-time life updates! :O My preceptor went to a conference in Texas on Thursday/Friday of last week, so he told me to enjoy my very-extended long weekend.
I made it as productive as humanly possible by going back to Ashland and…getting my flu shot + hep B titers drawn (yay for clinical rotation requirements), showing 2nd-years around at the hospital + answering any questions that they had, scheduling more interviews*, printing necessary documents for said interviews, gathering food, working out, and catching up with a bunch of friends.
*I currently have one week where I have 3 interviews scheduled across 3 different states (NC, NJ, CA) in 3 days. I’m probably going to die, but let’s be optimistic here, shall we?!
The last set of friends I caught up with = my med school study buddies. One had just returned from an audition rotation in Indiana, and another had just come back from an interview in Oregon, so we caught up over delicious food and decided to watch Fear The Walking Dead in the semi-creepy student house they were staying in.

That cup is a bouquet of empty ice pop wrappers, courtesy of Sean to Isaac. Such a lovely friendship they share. :O
I didn’t feel like driving back at night, so I crashed on the couch, and my friend left his door open so that if either of us screamed for dear life, we could potentially save each other.
- Do you have a favorite animal?
- Any pets at home? (I miss my kitties. ;_; )
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My favourite animal is dolphin, so unfortunately not one I could have at home haha! I’m allergic to animals, so we never had any growing up either :/
Great idea for a linkup!
LisaLDN recently posted…Visiting Old Town, Vilnius
hahaha, true that! I’m sorry that you’re allergic! :[ In truth, I probably am too, to an extent, but thankfully, it’s not a severe one! *-*
congrats on the publication- that is impressive! Sounds like all is going well and you are as busy as ever! No pets at home right now, thinking about a puppy after the first of the year :) enjoy your weekend!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…October Coffee Date!
Thanks so much! And ahhh, a puppy! :D! I’m really hoping that I will someday have the time and money to adopt a dog! <3
Congrats on getting published that’s quite an honor! Enjoy that long weekend too. Thanks for linking up today always great to have you
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-October & My Grandma’s Coffee Cake
Thanks so much! Twas a good weekend–I managed to get a bunch of stuff done + also visit several friends that I hadn’t seen in many moons. :D Thanks for hosting! <3
Love this idea! I am a cute animals person too :) xo C
Courtney Bentley recently posted…High Fiber Energy Balls Recipe
They’re the best! :]
You know I love animals too :-) It’s so awesome the work you do to help them!
Good luck with all your traveling! Shoot me an e-mail when you know when/ if you’ll be in Asheville!
Yes indeed! I love getting to go back to hang out with them when I have the time!
Thanks! I’ll shoot you an email soon! :]
I’m sitting here reading your post with my two dogs at my feet – Love them. Good luck with your interviews. Glad things are going so well.
Carrie@familyfitnessfood.com recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date October
I love when I have cats and dogs piled in my lap! :D!
Thanks so much! I really hope they go well!
Woot! Congrats on the article being published! And best of luck with your interviews. 3 states in 3 days?! Sounds like it should be the name of some epic adventure novel.
Thanks so much, Kaylin! :D! Yeah, that 3-state-3-day thing will definitely be interesting. I really hope it goes well! Maybe I’ll write a book someday, har har. :P
That sounds like a brutal travel schedule – is CA in the middle? Hopefully you can rest or read for fun on the plane.
Coco recently posted…October Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up
Hopefully, I’ll survive! CA is at the end of that travel schedule, thankfully, so it only involves one cross-country flight! :O
I can totally can see myself being freaked out before I go to bed after watch a scary show! Awesome you have written for a website that is in your career field.
Ally recently posted…October 2015 Goals
Pets at home, hummm where shall I start?? Dogs, 2 inside and 3 outside, chickens & guineas (too many to count), 6 horses, and 3 barn cats. Currently, course that could change at any minute with a rescue. :)
Tricia@MissSippiPiddlin recently posted…Weekly Wrap #9 Queen City 5k
That sounds awesome! <3 I would so love to have horses someday, but I think it'd be too impractical for where I want to end up living (sigh). I'm all about the rescues though! :D That's the main reason I can't wait to have a place of my own! <3
Congrats on the publication! So so exciting :) I loooove dogs; don’t have one of my own yet but can’t wait to get one!
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Monday motivation: listen to The Rock!
Girl I don’t know how you do it! You’re always on the go! Three interviews in three states in three days is amazing and crazy at the same time, but I hope you get the one you want! I know wherever you go will be super lucky to have you :-)
PS: My favorite animal is an owl, but I call them Hoots. It’s a much cuter term.
Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: October
Hehehe, it just turned into 4 interviews in 3 days. I’m sure that’ll be fun! :P Thank you though! <3 I hope I get the one I want too! :]
Ah, Hoots is cute! I call my duckies Quackers! <3
I know I am late to the party! Loved reading your post. Thanks for sharing. Coffee and pet lover here as well. Congrats on the article being published! Hope all the interviews went well!
All good! :P thanks so much! I matched into my favorite/1st choice residency, so I am rather overjoyed!