Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! Come catch up on life/hang out with me virtually!
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that…I know there are bigger fish to fry, but I have yet to understand the thought process that’d go through someone’s head to insist on telling me all about how he prefers Asian women because they’re “more subservient and willing to take care of him instead of it having to be the other way around.”
During a doctor’s appointment with me.
(I’m glad we’re still wearing masks right now because I could not find it in me to muster up an appropriate poker face for that one.)
Thankfully, there is a balance with the type of comments/questions I get from my patients (and perhaps people in general). A really sweet elderly patient told me that when he saw my photo pop up after his appointment was scheduled with me, he called his wife over because “this young lady doesn’t look like she could be a day over 16 and she’s already a doctor!!!” (I told him I most definitely wasn’t enough of a genius to get to be a doctor at 16 and he said he was sure I was plenty smart.)

I also walked into this a couple weeks ago! :D
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I was given a kidney (fake/plush) for my birthday! I’m great at telling my patients to stay well hydrated but I rarely, if ever, drink enough water. In an effort to convince me to stop hating on my kidneys, my SO gave me a number of reusable water bottles as well as a super cute kidney.
(If you flip this little guy over, he looks super sad on the other side, so I feel guilty and drink more water.) He’s received a warm welcome and now makes the rounds throughout the house (sad-face-forward) for anyone who’s been on the dehydration bus (e.g. my brother).

Look how happy he looks!!
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I’ve been doing weekly bike rides lately with a couple friends! We’re on a mission to hit up all the boba shops within a 5-mile radius from our homes and have discovered 5 places so far. It’s been a nice way to re-explore town and catch up on life while getting some cardio in.

I recently branched out to non-caffeinated varieties though since we typically bike in the evening. One cup of tea at 7pm can apparently keep me up until 5:30am the next morning. I ended up sleeping for only 2.5 hours that whole day.)
In other news, I haven’t lifted anything in a really long time and want to get back into it. I’m somewhat iffy about going back to the gym though. With the advent of the pandemic, it’s been really disappointing to see the true colors of so much of society and I’ve turned into even more of an introvert than before, so I’m still contemplating at the moment. (Not gonna lie, I really wish I had a home gym!)
See past ultimate coffee dates here!
(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)
End-of-Week-ish Recap!
- Looking for some pretty wildflower hikes in the bay area (northern California)? Check out the Rocky Ridge & Elderberry Loop in Las Trampas Regional Wilderness and the Bayview Trail in Coyote Hills Regional Park!
- Any terrible exchanges you recently experienced that you want to share? (I’ll take happy/funny ones too!)
- Do you belong to a gym? Have you gone back yet?
- Are you super sensitive to caffeine?
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Isn’t it interesting what people say to us in the exam rooms? Why on earth would that person feel that it’s ok to say that to you? Ayyyy….it has been a rough time and the pandemic and past 4 years certainly opened up some old wounds. Ugh.
Happy belated birthday! Gotta love that kidney, lol.
Wendy recently posted…Coffee Talk and April’s Book Reviews
I have noooo idea, haha. I was inwardly fuming but managed to keep it to myself. :|
Thank you! It’s so cute, hehehe. <3
Doctor, hydrate thyself! I am so cranky when I’m dehydrated — and don’t have much energy either — apparently I’m one of the few!
Happy Birthday! Your SO sounds really creative.
I’ve been working out at home a long, long time, so no worries there.
Stay the way you are! Your kidneys probably like you way more than mine do, hahah.
I laughed so hard when I first saw it! :P
That’s awesome! I’ve been doing a lot more hiking/biking lately but I miss the weights a lot!
I cannot believe that comment from your patient about Asian women – honestly what is wrong with people?!
That kidney was a clever gift :) Belated Happy Birthday!
I do notttt know but if there’s anything I’ve learned over the last 5-ish years, it’s that there are wayyy more unpleasant people out there than I thought. :/ At least there are still a lot of nice people to balance it out though!
Thank you! <3
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2021
That’s great that you are on your bike again! You do have the good weather for it. Happy belated birthday! Seems like a great gift for you Thanks for catching up over coffee
At long last! I finally even got a lock for it + fitted it with a kickstand, so I’m good to go now! :P (Just gotta find my bike rack and I can go on alll the adventures!)
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2021
That kidney is too cute! I should get one for my sister, she never drinks enough water, though she is trying to do better now!
Ugh, I can’t imagine the things you’ve heard from patients in general…it’s true, masks do have their benefits sometimes!
I hope you had a nice birthday!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…May Wellness Goals and April Goal Recap
I’m so bad at it, but I swear the thought is there!
There have definitely been some “gems” but I will say that the majority of my patients are suuuper sweet/it’s a joy to take care of them. There’s just a handful that are not the most pleasant so I’ll count my overall blessings. :]
Thank you! :]
What a cute gift. I never drink water – I know it’s so bad.
I need to get motivated to bike.
It’s okay–I’m in the same boat.
I’ve been trying to motivate myself for like a year — what finally kicked me into it = my friend recently getting a bike and wanting to get back into shape, hehe. Yay for accountability!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2021
Ewww… whoever told you that he “prefers Asian women…” is gross. I hope he finds a new doctor.
A kidney is a unique present. Such a good reminder, though. I need to drink more water too.
Thankfully he actually usually sees a different doctor — I was just filling in for that day. Overall he seemed like a nice dude but just entirely unaware that what he was saying was super inappropriate. :| I was torn between doing some gentle educating but didn’t really want to commit to opening a whole can of potential worms there.
It’s so hard to remember to! :( But the kidney has been helping!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2021
That kidney is cute, but where do you get a stuffed kidney? Is there a special gift shop for MDs? ;-)
OMG on that guy’s comments. So much restraint required to tolerate that. I’m glad you have kind patients to balance out the jerks.
hehehe, I’m not sure where he got mine from — there’s “I Heart Guts” and “Giant Microbes” online stores that both have cute nerdy-ish gifts though! :D!
Thanks! I’m glad too — yay for masks and their ability to hide my complete lack of a poker face, haha.
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2021
OMG. I can’t believe someone said that to you! I spend a lot of time telling myself to “fix my face” and this would be one of those moments.
I need a kidney (fake). I never drink water.
hahaha, I had to tell myself that too! :[
It’s definitely been a good reminder — I’m so bad at remembering! :[
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2021
That is such a cute gift idea! Hopefully it will help you remember to stay hydrated!
I have a home gym and I’m so grateful for it because I don’t know when I would want to return to a gym.
I’m sorry you have to deal with comments like that from patients! At least there are nice comments too.
It’s been helping! :D
That’s awesome! I really wish we had one, but alas!
I’m glad there’s a balance too! :]
Happy belated birthday! I am a big coffee drinker but also make a point to drink lots of water. The plush kidney is adorable!
Thank you! You’re definitely doing better than me, haha. I’m still working on it!!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2021
Awww, I love what the elderly gentleman said to you – so sweet! The other patient? Ugh!
What a cute kidney and what an awesome gift to remind you to stay better hydrated. Enjoy your bike rides!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…2021 Courage Day 5K Race Recap
It was so nice! :] But yeah, the other one–sigh.
I definitely have been! It’s been a great way to explore town + cover more ground!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2021
Awhhhh, Happy Belated Birthday! Great to hear you’ve been biking more ;-) That kidney gift is too cute ;-)
Thank you!
Took me long enough, right? :P!
In the ED, almost daily someone says “Just when you thought you’ve heard/seen it all!” Sadly, I’m sure he was oblivious of how inappropriate he was. And yes, it is unfortunate how many unkind and ignorant humans there are out there. Thank goodness for masks to hide our facial expressions!
Yay for silver linings, haha. (Although I will also say it’s been nice to not get sick all year? I hope companies will stop forcing their employees to come in to work sick after all this!)
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: May 2021
People are such jerks! Thank goodness for the good ones like that older man!
That gift is hilarious! I’m a drinking machine. It makes a difference. (As you know)
I recently went back to lifting at a training gym (only about 12 – 15 people in there at any one time and all masked. And this week went back to the regular gym. They have a ton of COVID precautions in place and there’s basically no one there. I think there were 4 people on the cardio floor of 100 machines when I was there. Plus masks and I’m fully vaccinated. I’m still doing some stuff at home. If you have an iPhone and want to try some fun bodyweight/small weight classes from home, you can get a free trial of the Presence Fit app. Use code Erica for a free trial :) They have on demand and group workouts with live trainers.
At least there’s a balance, hehe.
It really does! He’s been hearing me say “I’m working on it” for forever so he figured he’d help me work on it. :P
That’s awesome! I’m prooobably gonna go back soon because I really miss lifting weights, but the Presence Fit app sounds pretty cool! :] On demand definitely works well with my schedule these days, hehehe.
I was just thinking about this the other day. Sometimes it is a real blessing to have my face obscured by a mask because people say some horribly inappropriate things. In the Atlanta airport we witnessed a horrible tirade by a passenger who insisted she was “priority” and therefore demanded pre-boarding. I won’t even repeat the terrible things she was shouting.
Who knew a plush kidney existed, let alone a really cute one? Haha! Hope it helps you stay hydrated!
Ughh, sorry that you had to deal with/witness that. It’s really sad/disheartening how entitled some people have become.
I’ve been doing better than I used to, so that’s a definite plus! :P
Farrah recently posted…Montara Mountain North Peak Loop Trail
Uhh…wow, that was a horrible comment. I wouldn’t know what to say or do either. How messed up.
Yay for catching up with friends and getting some cardio in. I don’t belong to a gym but I take dance classes at a studio and I have been back. I think an actual gym would make me a bit more nervous though, so I get it.
And omg I love your plush kidney!! My mom had a transplant when I was in high school so I kind of think she needs one for that. LOL
ShootingStarsMag recently posted…A New Version of Glossies Made Me Do It
Yeah, I wanted to explain why that wasn’t the best thing to say but didn’t want to potentially open up a whole can of worms when I had other patients waiting. :/
Yay for dance classes! I miss my dance classes–hoping to go back soon!
Aww, that’d be a cute gift for her!
Farrah recently posted…McCorkle to Indian Joe Creek to Cave Rocks Road Loop