Hi everyone! I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for the monthly Ultimate Coffee Date! Pull up a chair/bean bag/whatever you like to sit on and come link and/or catch up with us! :]
If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d tell you that I lost the battle for our favorite resident. :[ He chose my friend Sean instead!! He claims it’s because Sean would’ve cried, and is showing how guilty he feels/how much he regrets this decision by trying to trip me whenever I walk past him. Hater.

I’d even have settled for royalties on “being the diversity” in this photo (where all of us are being the poster children to solicit for scholarships).
Recently, I have changed my tune. I mentioned this in passing, but a couple weeks ago, I received a fairly cryptic email from my school telling me that I’d won an award and was excused from my rotation to attend the Spring Awards Ceremony back in Lewisburg (I was actually kinda bummed about this because my surgery rotation has been all sorts of awesome <3).
S: You were bummed about missing rotations? You are such a med student.

If we were having coffee/tea this morning…I’d ask if you noticed my favicon! :D What’s a favicon, you ask? It’s that tiny little icon hanging out on the browser address bar for my blog!
It’s been hanging out on my blog since the end of March, but for the longest time, it would play peek-a-boo with me, so I just figured I’d ask to find out if anyone else could see it.
(Yes, it’s that tiny little fortissimo icon!)
I am by no means a very loud person, but “FF” happens to be my initials, so being the music nerd that I am, I christened it as my symbol of sorts back in 2009, when I was designing my flier for my junior recital!

Oh, the wonders of Microsoft Paint.

This was my unofficial senior recital poster. I promise I made a more professional-lookin’ one to give to my professors and all that goodness. I just really couldn’t resist using this picture once I’d seen it.
- How’s life been going for you? Any cool updates and/or good news? :] Share with me in the comments!
- If you blog, do you have a favicon? What made you choose it?
- Are you a fan of classical music?
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I’m going to have see if I have a “favaicon” You learn something new every day!! Congrats on your award
Laura@Fit Running Mama recently posted…Coffee Talk: May
Thanks! They might have a default one, but I think there’s a way to change em’! I never knew what it was called to earlier this year!
Wow, huge congratulations on the scholarship, and on being recognized for helping others — we need more of that in this world. Your favorite resident is really missing out! ;-) LOVE the favicon!
Coco (@Got2Run4Me) recently posted…Marvelous May Ultimate Coffee Date
Thanks so much! And yes he is! (His loss though! >:[ )
Congratulations! Med school is tough, and it must feel good to have your accomplishments recognized.
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…April’s Away, May to Stay
Thanks, Alyssa! It was definitely rather awesome! I got to see one of my favorite instructors again (I used to volunteer with her at the soup kitchen), and she said they really missed me! :[ I miss helping out there too!
Sorry you didn’t get the Resident you wanted but huge congrats on the scholarship! That is awesome! Love your flavicon. I have one…I think…
Marcia recently posted…May Ultimate Coffee Date
I guess it won’t be so bad, haha. I think I’ll be working with one of the new residents, so maybe they’ll be cool too! You have a really awesome favicon! :D I love your logo!
I see your favicon :). And CONGRATS ON THE SCHOLARSHIP!!!! How exciting!!! Yippee!!!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date – May
Yay! Thanks for letting me know! And yes indeed! I was so happy–hooray for some monies to throw towards my student loans! :]
Awwww yissss. Mutha effin free money. Congrats on the scholarship. Sounds like things are definitely going your way this year.
Favicon? Now that you mention it, it looks like it’s from a foo fighters album (http://www.onstageweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/foo-fighters-nuovo-album-2014-pronto.jpg. Also that burning piano is pretty metal \m/
Thank you! :D It was such a pleasant surprise!
I was having a discussion with my friend today on random things that our initials could stand for. I’m a fan of “Final Fantasy!” :P
hahaha, I had to use it in my flier when I saw it. :] It was too perfect!
Congrats on the being nice award! You seem really nice from what I read on your blog–I’d love to have you do a rotation in my clinic. We have a really weird med student right now…
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…#RunThisYear 2015 April summary
hehehe, thanks, Wendy! :] I’m sorry that you’re dealing with a weird med student right now! :x I hope s/he’s at least nice, and not to hard to work with!
Congratulations on the scholarship!! Awesome!!! It does pay off to be nice.
Love the favicon too! I don’t have one and don’t really know how to set it up. But, I see them all the time and think it’s pretty cool.
Carrie@familyfitnessfood.com recently posted…May Ultimate Coffee Date
Thanks, Carrie! :] I had no idea how to set it up either, but Google’s my best friend, hahaha. :P
If you want to try setting one up, this tutorial was pretty awesome!: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-a-favicon-to-your-wordpress-blog/ (Hope it helps! :] )
I don’t have a favacon–while not past the generic one that came with my blog design. How do you change it? I love that you claimed that symbol!
Kate @KateMovingForward recently posted…May Coffee Date
Thanks, Kate! :D I couldn’t tell from your blog what kind you had, so I’m going to assume it’s wordpress! :P (The heart is really cute! :] )
Try following this tutorial?: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-a-favicon-to-your-wordpress-blog/ (I hope it helps! :] )
Congratulations on your award! Good to see kindness being recognized and celebrated. Out of state tuition sucks! I will be in debt forever because I went to school out of state for ONE year before transferring.
Yanique recently posted…Why Are We Celebrating the Baltimore Riot Mom?
Thanks so much! And ahhh, I definitely feel your pain! Out-of-state tuition is the worst! :[
Farrah, you are really the hardest worker {student} I know virtually. You are just amazing and I have no doubt that the future will be just fabulous for you. I love you favicon, I have a picture on mine but it’s hard to see. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for coffee :)
Lynda@fitnessmomwinecountry recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date May
Thanks so much, Lynda! I really hope it will be! Your favicon is really pretty! I like that it provides a tiny glimpse of somewhere beautiful. :]
I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!
Congrats on the award!! Just from reading your blog I know you have a wonderful attitude- it’ll take you far.
I don’t have a favicon but you just made me want one!
Kristen recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date May- Open for Business as an ACE Health Coach
Thanks so much, Kristen! :]
It was fun to mull over and pick out one! :P
Congratulations on your award and scholarship!! That is something to be super proud of!!!
Dana @ Pellerini Proclaims recently posted…Special Stella & Dot Mother’s Day Promotion!
Thanks so much, Dana! Twas such a pleasant surprise! :D
congrats on your award!!!! love your favicon! happy weekend!
Glenneth recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – May
Thanks, Glenneth! Hope you have a great weekend too!
Congrats on the scholarship! That is awesome. Also, I love the favicon!
Betsy recently posted…Nadine West Review: April 2015
Thanks so much, Betsy! :D! Hope you have a great weekend!
Huge congrats on your scholarship! How wonderful to be recognized for serving others!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…May’s Ultimate Coffee Date
Thanks, Michelle! It was definitely rather awesome! :]
Bummer on the resident thing but congrats on the scholarship! That’s awesome. I don’t think I see the icon you are referring to up top. Thanks so much for linking up with us today always love the coffee dates!
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-May
Darn! I guess it’s kinda hit or miss. I wonder what causes it to show up and/or not be there. Thanks for letting me know! :]
I can see the favicon! Congrats on the scholarship, that’s so awesome! I know how much of a difference residency can make–my brother and sister had to wait an extra year to attend University of Michigan because UofM decided that they weren’t yet residents and they couldn’t afford the out-of-state price. The thing is, technically, Michigan is the state of residency for my whole family, because it’s the state we lived in before moved abroad in 2004, and our parents have been paying Michigan income tax every year since–the USA requires you to keep residency in a state even when you live abroad long-term but we did not win the fight with the university to accept their status as “residents” until a certain amount of time had passed, so they had to postpone college a whole year–it was definitely frustrating!
Rachel G recently posted…College Memories
Yay! Thanks for letting me know! :] And aughh, that’s horrible. :[ I didn’t bother applying to Michigan because OOS tuition was $70k/year (………). That sucks that they didn’t recognize it and that they had to postpone college for a whole year! :[
If I’d thought of it before and planned better, I might have moved here a year earlier and gotten a job so that I could be considered in-state. (That’d be $120k/year saved! *-*) My friends and I have joked about me marrying my in-state friend, but mehh. Too late now!
Congrats on the scholarship! Sorry you lost the bid for your resident.
Amy @ Mama Running for God recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date {May Edition}
Thanks, Amy! It’s all good–ya win some, ya lose some! I’m way happier about the scholarship! :]
OMG YES, CONGRATS FOR THR SCHOLARSHIP <3 being nice pays off literally like you said :) It's the residents loss, not yours, everything happens for a reason xoxoxo
Amber recently posted…Easy Taco Dip/Creamy Taco Sauce
Thanks so much, Amber! :D And yep, I’m a-okay with it–maybe I’ll get to learn + do more in June if I am resident-less! :O
congrats on the scholarship! that is awesome! and for whatever reason you received it, it is all good! I always wondered what a falvicon was? I don’t think I spelled it right either :) HA Happy Sunday- study hard!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…May Ultimate Coffee Date
Thank you! :D! I never knew what it was either until somewhere around this year! :P
Happy Sunday! :]
Congratulations on winning a scholarship!! That’s a great honor. School is so expensive, I feel your pain! Every little bit helps!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – May 2015
Thanks so much, Janelle! It definitely does! That scholarship can pretty much cover my fooding expenses for over 1.5 years! :D
Congrats on the well deserved scholarship. Being a good steward (and nice to boot) pays!
Erica @ erica finds recently posted…May Ultimate Coffee Date – Live from Miami!
Thanks so much, Erica! :D Hooray for slowly chippin’ away at my student loans!
Yes, I love your favicon!!
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Monday motivation – become what you think
It makes me happy! :]
If we were having tea/coffee this morning, I would tell you that I love reading your blogs as a highlight to my morning routines :)
Alex recently posted…Finding Love Online
Awww, thanks so much, Alex! You made my day! <3!! I love reading you blogs too--I just really probably shouldn't whilst at my rotation! It's so hard to choke down the laughter! :P
Just noticed this post. Congrats on the award! The favicon is awesome too! (but I already knew that story he he :D )
Thank you! I’m off to [finally] respond to your text! <3!