Welcome to March’s Ultimate Coffee Date! I’m really not liking where this country is going right now. I do feel immensely lucky to be living in California but it’s still hard to even put into words the amount of disgust I’m feeling for so many people right now.
Ultimate Coffee Date: March 2025

From my friend’s birthday potluck! I picked up the mushroom brie baker from TJ Maxx for $6. *-*
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I haven’t been cooking all that much lately, but I do l love making baked brie for potlucks! I drizzled honey at the bottom of the brie baker, spread some jam over the top/sides, baked it for 13 minutes at 350, and sprinkled pomegranate arils over the top! I made a kahlua version several years ago too.
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…Muffin is unfortunately still battling pyelo that is very unfortunately resistant to injectable antibiotics, butttt she just finished a week’s worth of an antibiotic that didn’t make her completely stop eating, so hopefully she’s on the mend now (waiting to hear back). Her kidney function levels have improved a little, so the hope is that it only plummeted so far so fast because of this infection.
She’s mostly back to her spunky feisty self lately so I’ve been waking up to a (gentle) paw to the eyeball each morning once more.

I don’t have any recent photos of her where the organized chaos that is my current office is somewhat under control, so here’s a photo of part of my brunch buffet noms at our latest book club! :D..
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I know I have half a billion hobbies/dreams + I’ve only ever mentioned fire dancing/hooping as a thing I want to do/learn in passing here, but…that’s another thing I’ve been wanting to get into since 2008!
(I finished paying off my student loans last week, but am mostly trying not to spend much money over the next 4 years other than for basic necessities and to support small businesses (and in so doing, a number of my hobbies).)
A friend of mine in San Diego was going to a warehouse sale and I happened to see her IG story about it that morning–she is the coolest person ever and was down to grab some stuffs for me, so we now have matching fire fans + poi and hoops that we’ll be converting into fire hoops!
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…a couple weeks ago, Tofu was roughhousing with himself, tripped over his own feet, faceplanted onto the floor, chipped one of his canines, and had to get the tooth extracted. :'(

He’s back to his goofy self again, thankfully, and we are very lucky that we decided to get pet insurance for both the fluffs. ._.
See past ultimate coffee dates here!
(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner! Also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday.)
- Any travel plans coming up?
- Come check out this month’s My Month Is Booked!
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Oh no, I hope that Muffin starts feeling better soon. It appears to be good news that she’s once again waking you up with a paw swipe each morning. And poor Tofu. Glad he’s feeling better.
Your mushroom brie baker is adorable.
Debbie recently posted…Catching Up Over Coffee: Sleep, Interesting Stats, and Cutting out Caffeine
Oh, poor Tofu! I’ve never gotten pet insurance, and Max has had two ACL surgeries (his two back legs, at different times thankfully) , and it would have been a worthwhile investment had we had the insurance at the time.
Wow fire dancing sounds hot lol -hope you go for it. Who doesn’t love a good baked Brie!
Congrats on paying off your student loans!
I’m glad Muffin seems to be getting better and that Tofu is OK. Scooby scares me near the stairs because he often doesn’t seem like he’s looking where he’s going as he approaches them!
LOVE this update! Thank you so very much!