Ultimate Coffee Date: June 2015

Hi everyone! I can’t believe it’s already June! Practically half the year’s gone already, and there’s still so much I need to do! I’m linking up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner for June’s Ultimate Coffee (for me, it’s still tea) Date!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I really appreciate all the kind words from last month’s coffee date! You really made my day! <3

If we were having coffee/tea today…I’d ask if you remembered my Alcohol Abuse post from a couple months ago.

I was studying at my friends’ apartment because study-company is kinda nice to have, and Sean asked if I wanted something to drink! He was fixing Bailey’s on the rocks, so I asked for maybe a tablespoon of it on ice.

…Apparently, even 1 tbsp of Bailey’s was still too strong.

I diluted it with a bunch of iced coffee and milk, and this is the text conversation that ensued when I got home:


If we were having coffee/tea today…I’d tell you about the first time I started studying with one of my med school friends, Mike (shortly after my neighbor/study buddy divorced each other :O ). After about half an hour, he sent me this video.

During OSCEs a little while ago, one of the proctors came over to me afterward to tell me she was in awe at my typing speed (I guess since she’d heard me clacking away at all my SOAP notes).

I was a little curious, since I’m not sure what an average typing speed even is, so I decided to take one of them online typing speed thingamajigs!


Way to make me feel full of awesome, test! :O :O!

I attribute this to the fact that my dad used to ask me to type up my brother’s homework assignments for him.

F: But I was about to go to sleep!
DF: But you type so much faster than him. Don’t you want to help out your brother?
F: Favoritism at its best, I see.

Just kidding. I was probably around 9 at the time, and had had no real rebellious nature to speak of, so I just went ahead and typed it up. I guess some good came out of it though?! :O

If we were having coffee/tea today…I’d ask if you’ve played around with that “how old” site that was making its rounds earlier last month! (But first, here’s something you might want to read before uploading stuff.)

Let’s just say…it was not very accurate for me.


First, we had no faces. But fine, I shouldn’t have expected them to be able to detect them.


Then I was almost jailbait (and my friends/former bandmates were all aged at least 2-10 years).

...And then I aged almost 2 decades.

…And then I aged almost 2 decades in a photo taken the year before the one above this.

Oh, medical school. What have you done to me?!

I'm really not proving this right all that well. :/

I’m really not proving this right all that well. :x

The Ultimate Coffee Date

  • How’s life been treating you?
  • Do you get a summer vacation? (If you do, I am envious.)
  • Have you ever done a typing test?
  • Have you played around with that “how old are you?” site? Was it accurate for you?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-june-2015/


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  1. OH THAT STUPID AGE THING!!!!! It made me like 50 or something, LOL!!! And ohhh man, if my mom saw how old it made her, she would definitely go under the knife! LOL!
    GiGi Eats recently posted…Will Quaker Oats Conceal or Reveal GMOs? #ConcealOrRevealMy Profile

    1. hahaha, it was good for a laugh though! :D! My brother alerted me of its existence and said it was very accurate. Lies! :O!

  2. I know I can feel decades older or younger depending on the day … thanks for joining the link-up. Maybe we should all have iced tea for July and August. ;-)
    Coco recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date June 2015My Profile

    1. haha, I feel that way too! :P I was joking with my friends on how we’ve pretty much all turned into grannies because staying out past 10 p.m. feels pretty late now. :[

  3. Summer vacation starts Thursday!! Woo hoo- SOOO beyond excited! Happy Coffee Date!
    Laura@Fit Running Mama recently posted…Coffee Talk: JuneMy Profile

    1. Yay! I’m envious, but excited for you! :P I hope you have an awesome summer!

  4. Wow you are a super fast typer! My friend always uses that age app and apparently I am doing quite well LOL now if the rest of my body could just cooperate! Thanks for joining us for coffee date always great to have you!
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-JuneMy Profile

    1. haha, that’s awesome! :D Playing around with that app was pretty awesome for a good laugh! :P

  5. I can tell you right now that I am staying away from the How Old Site. Ignorance is bliss. I have had a typing test. Back in the day, we had typing classes! I won awards too. I don’t think I ever went over 100 wpm. That IS fast!
    HoHo Runs recently posted…Coffee Talk (June Edition)My Profile

    1. That’s awesome! I don’t think we ever had typing class, but practice definitely helped a lot!

  6. That age thing thought I was 13 in one photo and 27 in another (I’m actually 23). I think it is just so hilariously inaccurate for most people!
    Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…First Week of June + Dinner at the Eveready DinerMy Profile

    1. hahaha, it is, but it’s kinda fun to see what it comes up with! :P

  7. I keep seeing that age thing on Facebook but haven’t given in to try it – might not like the answer! LOL! Have a great weekend!
    Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…June’s Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. haha, the ages they come up with can be pretty hilarious!

  8. That age app results is hysterical! And you attributing it to med school makes it even that more humorous. I need to try out the speed typing test! But I definitely don’t think I could beat your speedy fingers. Wow!
    Lara @ Uptite Mamas recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – JuneMy Profile

    1. hahaha, thank you! :] I’m sure it’s aged me at least a little over these past couple years (if not in physical attributes, then most likely in my spirits/mind, at the very least)!

      I think all the notes I’ve been typing up have probably helped to contribute to that! :O

  9. That age thing is funny! The pigtail pic of you is the cutest! Thank goodness I have never taking a typing test or a typing class- way to scary! Counting down to my first beach weekend! Even though I will be the chick with the hat on and long sleeves, can’t wait to dip my toes in the water!
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…June Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

    1. haha, thank you! :D I actually took that picture as a joke to send to my friend (he didn’t think I’d actually be able to do the high-pigtail thing).

      So jealous about the beach weekend! I’m gonna have to live vicariously through you! And yay for sun protection! <3

  10. That age thing is funny. I’m actually scared how old it would say I was. I also am a big tea love. Coffee, not so much.
    Shann Eva recently posted…A Huge Thank You and TMBMy Profile

    1. haha, given the huge discrepancies, I wouldn’t put too much stock into what it said! ;P

  11. Alas, the guess-your-age thing is my worst enemy, namely because I am much more youthful than my actual age (and everyone likes to inform me of that fact -as if I wasn’t already aware-)based on appearance, but judging by physical capabilities I am apparently reminiscent of the typical 30-40 age body. Ay yi yi. As for typing, I thought I was talented at 85 WPM! You’ve got some speedy-slick fingers there!

    1. hehehe, there there! I think attitude/mindset has a lot to do with keeping us youthful! (I got a kick out of the almost-2-decade discrepancy it gave me though, haha.)

      Thanks to typing up my brother’s homework over the years, I’ve apparently had a lotttttt of practice! :O

  12. That age thing had me from 19 to 49. I kept one that said I was 29 ;) Just in case.

    Love the texts.

    In college, I was typing my final paper and it was super late and one of my roommates said “you should have learned to type in high school.” My other roommate felt so bad that she typed a few pages for me. I wrote it in long hand and was typing on a word processor. Do you even know what that is?!
    Erica @ erica finds recently posted…Grab a Cup for the June Ultimate Coffee Date!My Profile

    1. hahaha, nice! ;P

      Aww, that’s horrible of your roommate (but super nice of the other one!) to say that to you! :[

      I actually do know what that is! :O My friend had one for a while that he was using when he was trying to write a book (it died though :[ )!

  13. I don’t get a summer vacation per say, but I am taking a week off to visit Maine. My husband (a teacher) gets the whole summer off and I am SOOO jealous. I miss the days of summer break.
    Pragati // Simple Medicine recently posted…Fashionable Fitness Finds on a Small BudgetMy Profile

    1. Ooo, that should be fun! :D I’ve never been to Maine, but I’ve heard that it’s absolutely beautiful! (Please take lots of pictures! :P )

      I miss getting summer break too!

  14. Great to catch up with you. I want a summer vacation like my kids.
    Carrie@familyfitnessfood.com recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – JuneMy Profile

    1. If only! :[

  15. That typing test is awesome! I always thought I could type fast at 80 WPM with no errors, but dang girl you are awesome! Did you play piano? They also say those who played piano really help the to type faster later in life:)
    I took that age thing too, depending on which picture it uses I am either 15 years younger, and one got close, I decided to go with the 15 years younger LOL
    I do take lots of summer vacations, I haven’t left yet but soon! If I am not spending all spare days off hiking, camping or something I literally go insane! Thankfully I have a family that is the same way, so there is always someone to go up in the mountains and join:)
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…How to Run an Effective Blog GiveawayMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I did indeed, for about…16-ish years? (It was one of my majors in college! :] ) I don’t get to practice/play much anymore, so I can’t count the last couple years, but I miss it a lot! I guess it did make a big difference though! :P

      haha, I’m cool with sticking on the younger side of the scale too! Student discounts are wonderful! ;P

      I hope you have a ton of fun! :D I really hope I get to go hiking sometime this year!

  16. Your WPM are impressive! I think I can do a little over 60 haha.
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Exercise at the playground: box jumpsMy Profile

    1. Thank you! :D I think it’s a combination of piano + typing up my brother’s homework assignments as a child! :P

  17. The aging thing is pretty funny. :-) I’m 1/4 Japanese. :D
    Emily recently posted…Why I Have No Thigh GapMy Profile

    1. hehehe, I kinda hope it’s accurate! :P

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