Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2024

Welcome to July’s Ultimate Coffee Date! How’s your summer been going?

Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2024

I got a free watermelon + pineapple Dole whip from a poke shop near me! :D It’s perfect for the hot weather we’ve been having!

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I went to a work event over the weekend that was 60’s themed and sandwiched it into a catch-up-on-life/hang-out day with one of my med school friends.

Do I not look fabulous? hahaha. (The “cigarette” is candy, just so we’re clear… It tasted not-great, but was nice for the effect.)

Although I failed at my One Room Challenge, I did finally get around to part of what I’d been planning to do on week 6 — painting! (Can you tell what my favorite color is? haha)

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…the local plant shop near me had a closing sale and I scored several suuuuper cute planters for really nice prices. I have a lot of repotting and rearranging to do, but hopefully will be able to share that in a few coffee dates!

Until then, here’s one of the mushroom planters! (It’s also a bookend! :D )

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I’m (finally) getting back into climbing again, hopefully with a little more regularity. The climbing gym I went to was also super nice and let me have the “first responder” price for the 10-visit pass I purchased + I also have a new climbing buddy, so yay for accountability! :D

See past ultimate coffee dates here!

(Link-up with Coco @ Running with Perseverance & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner! Also linking up with DarleneMichelleReneeJenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday.)

End-of-Month Recap

  • How’s your year been going?
  • Do you have any plans for the summer? I’ll be headed off to Australia/New Zealand/Tonga at the end of this month! :]

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/ultimate-coffee-date-july-2024/


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  1. Hah! Those shades are fab!

    I’ve only been climbing a few times — it was fun in a challenging way!

    Your upcoming trip sounds amazing!

    1. hehe, they were too hilarious to not snag for a photo! :P

      Yay! It’s a great workout, hehe.

      I’m super excited! I am overdue for a vacation, haha.

  2. Wow- you have a cool trip coming up!
    I just finished reading Stephen King’s 11/22/63, where the main character goes back in time to the 60s and one thing he’s struck by is the fact that everyone smokes SO MUCH. So your cigarette prop is a good one!
    I’ve never done climbing- it looks like it’s fun and great exercise.

    1. I’m super excited! :D

      I haven’t read that one yet, but I’m so glad it’s not so prevalent anymore!

      It’s def a good workout! :]
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2024My Profile

    • Deborah Brooks on July 5, 2024 at 1:13 pm
    • Reply

    I have tried climbing a few times and I am always scared! LOL great upper body workout too

    1. hehehe, you’re not alone! I’m kinda scared of heights so I treat rock climbing as my exposure therapy of sorts, hehe.
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2024My Profile

  3. Wow I haven’t seen a candy cigarette in decades! Fun getup! Haha! Love all the cute planters!

    1. hehehe, there were a lot of people saying it was a throwback! :P The sweatshirt was so comfy!

      I’m so scared I’m gonna kill em’ just from repotting them! :'(
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2024My Profile

  4. I love the shades! The candy cigarette brought back good memories. Wow, 9 books last month. I am on book #11 for this year.

    1. The majority of em’ were audiobooks since my commute is sometimes kinda crappy — it definitely helped to pass the time!
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2024My Profile

  5. Your 60’s outfit is great! That’s a fun theme :-) Have fun with the return to climbing!

    1. hehe, thank you! :D I wish I had more hours in a day — there’s so much I wanna get back into, hahaha.
      Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: July 2024My Profile

  6. I’ve always wanted to try climbing even though I’m not a fan of heights. I think I have to put it on hold definitely because it seems I have ever-so-slight vertigo from the meds I take from my restless legs…

    not jealous of your upcoming trip at all!!!

    1. Oh no! I hope that clears up for you soon! I’m not a fan of heights either so I’ve kinda been using climbing as my exposure therapy of sorts, haha.

      I’m super excited! I haven’t been on a vacation-vacation in a while, hahaha.

  7. Your upcoming trip sounds amazing! And yay for turning a work event into a catch up with a friend. Love the 60’s vibes. :)
    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024My Profile

    1. hehe, it was so much fun! Super sorry I didn’t see this comment until now!
      Farra recently posted…My Month Is Booked: August 2024My Profile

  8. Very cool things! Your vacation sounds incredible and I hope you’ll have a wonderful time.

    Your climbing adventures look so cool! I wish I was more confident doing that!

    This year has been… a year. We are also going on vacation, and I”m excited about that.

    1. It was a ton of fun!

      I hope you had a great time on your vacation! <3
      Farrah recently posted…My Month Is Booked: August 2024My Profile

  9. Those shades are so fun!

    Your upcoming trip sounds like fun – enjoy!

    1. It was so much fun!! :D
      Farrah recently posted…My Month Is Booked: August 2024My Profile

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