Hi everyone! What’s been going in your life? Pull up a chair and come catch up with life with me for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

Ninja’s been on a diet and lost a whole pound! :O!
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I’ve officially started my residency in Family Medicine (our first day of orientation was yesterday!), which means that now, aside from the “grad school life” and “med school life” tags, there’s gonna be a new one…(residency life)!
Since it legit just started yesterday, I’ll have to talk more about it at next month’s coffee date, but in the meantime, it’s weird to not be a student anymore–I actually have a job again, but this one is actually enough for me to live on!

I may not have to bum in a sleeping bag anymore!
I spent last week very narrowly escaping the horrible floods in West Virginia. I arrived in Greenbrier County the day that they happened (I am so, so thankful that everyone I know is okay <3!), but thankfully still somehow managed to move all my things over to New Jersey. It’s definitely been a hectic couple of days, but I’m so glad to finally be done moving in! Here’s to not having to move again til after residency.
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I’m starting something new on my blog for every other Tuesday–Travel Tuesdays!
Back in the day, I started Fairyburger as a way to document my adventures after I moved across the country for grad school. It was part journal and part recipe/kitchen-experiment-dumping ground for me up until I started my clinical years in medical school.
When I started my fourth year, I was worried that I’d be consumed by applications, audition rotations, interviews, and traveling, and wasn’t sure whether or not I was going to be able to keep blogging regularly.
Thankfully, it still got to happen. Residency is a whole ‘nother ballpark though and I don’t know how things are going to be, so we’re just gonna see what happens!
I’ve already shared Looking Glass Falls and the Moore Cove Trail with you, and I’ve scheduled a bunch of posts into the future, so things may be a-okay for at least the near future. I did a lot of traveling right before and right after graduation, so those will probably/hopefully manifest themselves at one point or another! I’d like to think that I’ll still have my pockets of spare time here and there! :]

I kinda want to move to Hawai’i…
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I got featured twice on EvolvHer! :D! It’s an online resource for STEM + entrepreneurship for high school + college females!
- Part 1 (Advice on choosing schools + surviving medical school)
- Part 2 (Advice on study tips + preventing study guilt)
(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)
- Have the focus/main topics on your blog changed over the years?
- What’s on your travel bucket list?
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Travel tuesdays!? Now you’re just going to make me jealous :P
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 7/1/16
hehehe, I will be looking back on it very fondly! :O
How exciting that you are into your residency! Good luck and hope you get some sleep. Loved all your Hawaii pics makes me miss it so much. Thanks for joining for coffee always great to have you along
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-July Edition
Thanks so much! I hope it’ll go well! :D!
I would so love to go back there again someday! <3 Thanks for hosting! :]
Glad you were able to move in safely! Sheesh! Talk about a close call! Have you already started your residency or are you still in between?
Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…SKINS Compression Pants Review and Giveaway!
For serious! x_x My first day of orientation was yesterday, so it’s technically already started but I’m not quiteeee working yet! :P
Congrats on graduating from student to resident! I hate moving but I can’t imagine the stress of impending floods in the middle of it. So glad you and your loved ones were safe.
TriGirl recently posted…Late Night Conversations with My Brain
Thanks so much! I so hate moving too, but so glad that that’s over with! :] I’m super glad everyone’s okay too!
Well, I’m still in my first year of blogging, but I’ll be open to the process and change along the way. It’s good to know that things probably will evolve over the years. Travel bucket list….I definitely want to go to Italy one of these days!
Marsha recently posted…Why My Favorite Kitchen Appliance Should Be Yours Too
haha, definitely! I like that blogs can grow and change along with us! :]
I have a friend who just came back from Italy! :] I hope you get to go there sometime soon! :D
Good luck with this new period in your life- exciting times for you!!! Enjoy :)
Thanks so much! :D I hope it goes well!!
My blog has definitely changed since it first began! When I first started SIL it was just to keep friends and family updated on our visa process – then I’d share a recipe or two here or there after we had a dinner party or people over and they asked for the recipe – and then somehow other people found it and the rest was history!
Now the blog changes from week to week! I can’t wait to read your travel tuesday posts!
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: One Bowl Healthy Zucchini Muffins (GF!)
haha, my how it’s changed! :P I haven’t told most of the people I know in real life (other than some close friends) about my blog’s existence, but maybe someday! :P
Thanks! :D Since it’s every other week, I figure I’ll have enough to keep it going for a while! :D!
For starters, I would love to have a coffee date with you sometime! I can’t wait to hear more about the beginning of your residency. That sleeping bag photo is hilarious!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Ingredient 911: The Wonders of Olive Oil
Aww, that would be so cool! Maybe there’ll be a conference in Florida someday that I can make my way over to! :]
I’m still a mixture of excited/nervous and trying not to get too overwhelmed by all the information, hehehe. :D