Welcome to the Ultimate Coffee Date! It’s my birthday month so I’m gonna be celebrating a socially distanced day later on this month. 😅

If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that when we were at last month’s Ultimate Coffee Date, I definitely did not expect us to be at shelter in place/pandemic level not too long afterward. Since most everything has been effectively cancelled, I’ve mainly been doing some variation of these things when I’m not working + also picking up extra shifts at work.
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that I also volunteered as tribute (hah) to be pulled for hospital service if needed. Those of you who have been following me since med school and residency might already know that I am notttt a fan of doing inpatient medicine (personal preference).
But if we really do run out of ICU doctors, they”ll need to pull hospitalists to work in the ICU as well. The very least I could do as the youngest/most-recently-out-of-residency physician at my practice would be to take on the floors if needed. (It’d be the most logical choice!)
The messages I’ve been getting from my patients are really lifting my spirits. <3 <3
- “Morning! Crazy times, but just wanted to thank you for all you do! Stay safe!”
- “You were so knowledgeable and helpful to my needs concerning the recent pandemic. I really appreciate your time and help; keep up the great work you are doing.”
- Thank you for continuing to swiftly handle normal non-COVID 19 issues right now. I’m sure you must be swamped with other needs. We really appreciate our medical community!
- “It means a lot to me to finally have a doctor who listens to me and will work with me and help me. Just wanted to take the time to thank you since you took the time to listen to me. Take care.”
- “Wow, you’ve been saying this a lot, haven’t you? You’ve got this down! You go, girl, I mean, doctor! Thanks so much!”
The last one made me snicker.
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d…tell you that decluttering my life has been on my 101 in 1001 list since when I first started making those lists…
So it should be no surprise that I’ve put myself on a no-buy until I finish off allll the things I currently own. (It’s taking quite a while because I ration like no other–the first time my blog ever got shared was when my favorite food truck came back into my life but I’d just placed myself on a money ban!)
I tried cleaning out my closet/the garage fairly recently but wasn’t able to make much progress. Part of this is because I still fit into everything I used to wear–I legit still had a shirt from 6th grade that I only recently retired… (What can I say, I hate to waste things?)

Look how hopeful she is! By the way she acts, you’d think we never fed her ever. ;_;
See past ultimate coffee dates here!
(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)
- Have you been staying at home? What have you been doing with your (extra) time?
- Did you have a pandemic panic-buy? (Please don’t panic! We’ll get through this!)
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I’m at home doing telemedicine! So crazy. But with my immunosuppression, it would be too risky for me to be face to face with patients right now. I felt so useless until I called a patient this week and the parent said how happy they were to hear my voice! So that was definitely a win. I’m working on getting comfortable with video visits–I haven’t done any yet, but I think it will be something we’ll be doing even after this thing is over with.
Stay safe, my friend!
I got to work from home this week, but I’m back to working at the office next week (still doing 99% telephone/video visits though). I’m glad you’re able to stay home! I’m with you on feeling kinda useless though–that’s actually another reason why I volunteered to go back to the hospital if needed. I hope there are some positive changes that will come out of this–there are so many jobs that could be done remotely (maybe not ours for the most part, but I’m glad we at least have telemedicine)–it’d save on a lot of money/time, less pollution, and the traffic maps have never looked greener!
I started on a big decluttering kick the beginning of this year, and am still on it. I have gotten rid of a lot of clothes I like, that still fit, because . . . clutter. And now I’m having to get brutal!
I’m not sure I really had a panic buy, but I certainly bought more at the beginning. Right now it’s hard because I truly believe that fresh freggies are so important in times like these — even though I know frozen are actually supposed to be better — so those are the things that don’t last long. :(
Stay safe! My heart just goes out to all the nurses & drs dealing with this.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Silver linings: Tea/coffee Date April 2020
I feel like I will forever be on a decluttering kick, but…I need to do that too (I haven’t even gotten to the “getting rid of clothes I like that still fit” part yet)!
I’m with you on the fresh veggies/fruits–I definitely prefer that if possible, but at least frozen is still a good alternative!
Thank you! :] I’ll definitely try to!
I’m working at home but don’t have extra time — or am spending it all on Facebook. Working from 8-6, then fixing dinner, then collapsing on the sofa. I’m sure your patients appreciate your care — thank you for doing what you can! I hope you can stay safe.
I’m working from home this week, but will be back to the office next week (I definitely felt like I was more productive when I physically went to work, haha). Thank you, and I will try to stay safe!
I was wondering what your role was in all of this craziness. It’s nice to see that your patients are appreciating you. Stay well friend! Thanks for linking up
About 99% of my visits have been switched over to telephone and video visits, but we’ll see what happens over the next couple weeks.
Thank you! I’ll definitely try to!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2020
Thank you so much for all you do, and please stay safe.
We are “safer at home”, but I feel like we’ve been doing this for weeks now. Mr PugRunner makes a weekly trip to the grocery store, and that’s about it. He had to go to the bank once, the gas station once, and we made one family outing to the school to pick up free lunch and breakfast for little man (the county offers free lunch and breakfast for ALL students, regardless of economic eligibility), just to get out of the house.
Other than that, here we sit.
Poor “starved” kitty LOL!
It definitely feels like it’s been an eternity even though it technically hasn’t been that long yet. I was working from home this week and it was really weird (nice not to have to drive though)–I’m back to working at the clinic next week though, so it gives my weeks some semblance of structure! I’m glad your county offers free meals for all their students! One of the most beautiful things to come out of this = seeing people working together to help each other in these times of need. <3
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2020
Awww…thanks for sharing the cute kitty photo!
My hubby and I have been working at decluttering our basement. We have lived in this house for 34 years and you can accumulate a lot of STUFF over all that time! At least we did. It’s an ongoing project.
I am slightly envious of her very chill life, hahaha.
I can completely relate, after having amassed a billion things after only living in a place for 3 years. :'( Slowly but surely, I’ll whittle it all down…
I too am decluttering but as of now there’s nowhere to take the stuff since all the donation places are closed. I work at home so the only “extra” time I have is when I’d be getting our middle schooler off to school. It’s easy to fill that space with sleep, social media and walking the dog. Thank you for all you do!
I’m in the same boat! I’m just putting together giant bags of stuff so that once this lifts, I can go donate them!
Of course! :] I keep feeling like I should be doing more, but trying to also balance health and the rest of my life with it!
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2020
Thank you SO MUCH for your service to others ;-) My routine has not been affected much by all the COVID craziness…yet. I’m still working on site (so my work load has not changed), and I’m still getting up at the same (early) hour everyday and maintaining what is “normal” for me LOL THat could all change, so I’m just keeping an optimistic (and open) mind.
Aww, thank you! :]! My overall hours haven’t changed either, but I’m definitely trying to keep an optimistic + open mind too!
This is definitely a good time to declutter! I”ve been trying to get to all the things that have been on my list for around-the-house…just trying to make the best of things!
I hope you stay safe out in the trenches!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – April 2020
Same here (on weekends, hehe)! Progress has been slow, but at least it’s being made! :P
Thank you! I’ll try to! :]
I was jut wondering the other day if you’re in a hospital or private practice setting and how you’re doing. Thanks for what you’re doing and please stay safe!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…The Learning Curve of Taking My Business Virtual
I’m still in an outpatient clinic for now but “ready to deployed whenever if needed,” so we’ll see what happens! I’ll try to–thank you! :]