At the last date, I was twiddling my thumbs and waiting to find out where I’d be spending my next 3 years…
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I’m ecstatic to announce that I matched into my #1 residency program!!!
The program I matched into had over 950 applicants for a grand total of…5 spots. So I’m feeling supersuper lucky/blessed right now. I’ve already signed my contract and found an apartment! So, so much paperwork left though still, but it’s all good!
I gotta leave California again in 2 weeks, so I’ve been packing every day with as much as I can in terms of seeing family/friends before I gotta leave again. Who needs sleep anyway, right?! (I have the worst sleep hygiene ever, but I basically sleep like I’ve been knocked out, so…whatever works?
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…I used some of my scholarship money to buy myself a new stethoscope (at long last!)! I’ve been using my mom’s for the entirety of my med school career, and let’s just say…my attending back in one of my audition rotations borrowed mine and told me that I reallyyyy needed a new stethoscope.

I got a Littman Classic II in Carribean Blue with a rainbow bell (affiliate link)!
Not gonna lie, it’s kinda awesome being able to hear everything so clearly! Maybe it wasn’t really my lack of skill in being able to hear some heart murmurs…? I also got myself a USB Super Nintendo controller. <3
If we were having coffee/tea today, I’d tell you that…a lot has happened since our last coffee date. I fractured my hand in a jiu-jitsu accident on the day of the last post, and now have just 6 days left of my hand being in this fiberglass prison!
I’m really hoping that my benign bone tumor decided to stop being a rebel and grow in with bone so that my chances of re-fracturing my hand won’t be quite so high.
6 more days til I escape this fiberglass prison! *-*
(Link-up with Coco @ Got 2 Run 4 Me, Lynda @ Fitness Mom Wine Country, & Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner!)
- What would you get if you were to treat yo’self?
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I am so happy for you getting the placement you wanted! I bet it was a HUGE relief to get that news!
Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Recent Things: A Jam Packed Week Full of Fun (and Chocolate)
Definitely! I kept on getting phone calls from that area, but it turned out to be my grad school asking for donations, and I was so sad every time!
Woohoo on your residency! That is amazing news – congratulations! I hope the packing goes smoothly (despite the fracture!). I also hope you heal quickly, fractures suck.
Steph recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2016
Super not looking forward to the packing part! I feel like I moved enough times in the past several years to last a lifetime… But oh well! Necessary evils! Thank you, and I hope it gets better soon too!
k the rainbow bell is beautiful, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU – you’ve got brains and beauty and the program is LUCKY to have you xoxox can’t wait to follow you along your wild ride!
Isn’t it!? I like it a lot! And thank you so, so much! I’m super excited about this!
I just bought a new Littman Classic but I did not see the rainbow bell option! My little patients would love that! My old stethoscope made me think I needed a hearing test…but after i borrowed someone’s one day, I realized it wasn’t my ears. I had no idea that stethoscopes just poop out! BTW, who other than a medical person uses the term sleep hygiene? Just asking..
Congrats on your match!!!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…The Runner’s Guide to the Rules of the Road
I only learned about the rainbow bell option earlier this year! My old stuff the scope also made me feel like I needed a hearing test. I would hear the faintest of murmurs when other people would think it was an extremely loud one. So sad! And that’s a good question, I think it’s probably just medical people.
Thanks so much! :D
Sorry to see you in a fiberglass prison:o( I am excited for you to get all your ducks in a row when it comes to moving out of state again, and starting a new chapter in your life. I love the stethoscope, its beautiful actually, I didn’t know they could be multi colored.
Hehehe, all good! At least I’m almost out of it! I’m not looking forward to the actual moving part, but super excited about residency! I really like my stethoscope too! I had no idea they made rainbow-colored bells until this year! But so pretty!
Congratulations! But I still think THEY are the lucky ones! Yikes on your hand. I hope it heals stronger than it was before. Interesting to know that there are affiliate links for stethoscopes!
Aww, thanks so much! :D! My hand’s doing better, I think! I’ve been feeling some healing tingles, so hopefully it’ll be good as new soon!
Congratulations that is so exciting and you are just beaming despite the wrist. Thanks so much for joining us for coffee today!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-April
Hehehe, I figure I should be optimistic about it since either way, I’ll have to deal with it anyway! :P
Congratulations on matching!!! I’m impressed that you find time to Blog during Med School :-) Ugh, hope your hand heals properly & I bet having that cast off is going to feel Great. Also, Glad you treated yourself to that new stethoscope. Good Luck & Have a Great April!!
Angela recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date: April
Thanks so much! It does get a little hard sometimes, but in my pockets of spare time, I like to try to schedule as many posts as I can into the future! Hope you have a great April as well!
Farrah, what a huge honor! Congrats on this news. So happy for you, I am giving you a virtual hug right now. You have been working so hard for so long, nothing but great things ahead for you. I am excited.
Lynda@fitnessmomwinecountry recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date 2016 #4
Thanks so much, Lynda! :D i’m definitely all sorts of excited! I hope everything has been going well on your end! <3
Big hugs to you! I am so happy your got your first choice! WOW! now please let that hand heal, no one wants a one armed doctor! LOL!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…April Coffee date
Hahaha, yeah, definitely! I did actually mashie do pretty well on my rotation last month even with just one hand though!
Way to go! Exciting times for you!
Yeah! I can’t wait!
Wow, looks like you’ve had a really busy week! Fracturing your arm and then getting matched for your number 1 residency (congrats on that) ! I wish I could say I accomplished more in my week, but I think the most productive I’ve been is getting my house in order today where it actually looks livable lol. :P
hehe, it all happened over the course of the last month, but I actually managed to fare pretty well on my rotation even with just one hand!! I think getting your house in order is an extremely productive task! I really need to clean out my room!
Congratulations on matching! What an honor to get your top choice…you must be so excited! Sorry to hear about your hand…wishing a speedy recovery!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – April 2016
Thank you so much! I am definitely super excited! I actually got to get my cast off in a couple days, so hooray!
What a beautiful stethoscope! I didn’t even think you would have to buy your own! Interesting!
I’m so excited about your new adventure.
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Currently… (April 2016)
hahaha, I wish things got provided to us, but alas! We gotta pay for everything. ;_;
Me too! :D!! The paperwork isn’t quite so exciting, but I can’t wait to be done with that! *-*
What an amazing update! I am soo happy that everything is going so well for you. Well minus the fractured hand bit!
Sana recently posted…Where To Park To See The D.C Cherry Blossoms?
hehe, thank you! :D! I gotta take the good with the bad ,I guess! :P
Congratulations!! How exciting, forget sleep I would be to excited, busy, and just not able to. Haha! Maybe the move will also mean new meet-ups with other bloggers for coffee?
Hope your arm feels better soon, you don’t have time for that!
Sarah recently posted…Lemon Ricotta Asparagus Pasta (dairy-free)
haha, I may have narcolepsy, so falling asleep is rarely an issue! :P I’m hoping I’ll get to meet up with other bloggers! Not sure if there are any in central Jersey, but the likelihood of that is way higher than up in the mountains of WV! :P
Thank you! I’m still adjusting–can’t make a fist yet, but at least I can type again!
Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about your hand!! But, how exciting to get matched to your #`1 – congratulations!!
Sarah @ BucketListTummy recently posted…Racing when you just don’t have “it” + Weekend in Charleston
Thanks so much, Sarah! I’m happy to at least be out of the cast now! :P
Nice stethoscope! I’d treat myself to a new camera lens :)
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Avocado Hummus With Boursin Cheese
Ahh! I want a fancy camera someday too! *-*
Woohoo for a new stethoscope and your hand being out of the cast soon! It’s super awesome that you were chosen out of such a large pool of applicants! You must feel amazing! I would!
Rosey Rebecca recently posted…29 Goals For My 29th Year
I definitely feel super blessed! I’m so excited about it! :D!!
Being out of the cast definitely is taking some getting used to–I have a lot of re-strengthening to do! x_x