The optional theme for The Fit Dish (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is…
It’s a toss-up between the shark tank + BW exercises!
What the hecks is a shark tank, you ask?
I will get to it, but first, a back story!
I (sadly) have not mentioned BJJ in a really long while because…I haven’t been there in many moons. There are 2 reasons.
#1: Study-Guilt
F: I’m so sorry! :[ I really wanted to be here, but my rotations have been running later than usual, and I’m not quite as brilliant as Mike, so I felt guilty and stayed home to study. :[
Phil: That’s funny, because that’s exactly what he says about you.
F: Wait, what?
P: He says you’re brilliant and has no idea how you do all the things you do while still doing well.
F: Are we talking about the same person here? :o (My boards score pales in comparison to his, but thanks, good sir!)
#2: I almost dislocated my elbow a couple weeks ago.
This was entirely my fault. I was rolling with Mike and didn’t tap out because I thought I could find a way to escape.
But I could not, and we heard a really loud pop from my left elbow.
M: o_o What the hell was that? Farrah, are you okay?!
F: *tests all range of motion in arm* Yep, I can still move! Game on!
M: Dude, are you sure?
F: Yep!
So we kept rolling and I got stuck in another arm bar that I tried-but-failed to escape. (Cue another really loud pop and a sharp jolt of pain in my arm.)
M: Farrah!?!? Why didn’t you tap out!?
F: I thought I could escape, and it didn’t hurt yet!
M: You’re not supposed to tap out when you feel pain! If you feel the slightest bit of pressure, tap out immediately!
F: But sir, everyone here weighs at least 50 pounds more than me! If I tap out every time I feel pressure, I’ll never get anywhere! :[
I assured him that I was okay and that he hadn’t completely murdered my arm, and he texted me this later on:
Last week was the last time I’ll get to be at the academy for a while, so in honor of that and the fact that it was Shark Week, Phil decided to shark tank me.
This is basically where you’re on the mat and everyone else lines up to roll with you. If you’re lucky, you get about a 10-second break in between each person. Phil decided to make it more difficult by letting them choose what position to start in (guard, mount, side, back…).
The guys were rather humane, so they chose to start in guard, and I managed to hold and/or pass guard until the last couple (where I started getting really tired). My last round was with Phil, who decided to take my back (I forgot how to escape that :[ )…and tickled me in the last 5 seconds.
Needless to say, I tapped.
If I weren’t at the academy, my 10 minutes (aka my current study breaks) would include bodyweight exercises!
- What would you do if you had 10 minutes to fit in something healthy?
Click the image to read my other Dish The Fit posts! :]
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Massage – EVERY DAY, 10 minutes… Or um, 10 minutes every 3 hours? LOL
GiGi Eats recently posted…NO “BULLOCKS” with Christine Bullock!
Ohhhh goodness, I would so love to get a massage right now! ;_; My shoulders/neck absolutely hate me!
I will look into that! :O Thanks!
I hope your elbow recovers soon! It sounds like it wasn’t pleasant! I love body weight workouts, they are amazing and you can do them anywhere (and in short increments of time, obviously)! Good luck with all your studying and traveling around with your auditions. I say it all the time, but you’re amazing to accomplish so much with your studies and commitments! :)
Erin@BeetsPerMinute recently posted…One Question To Solve Sugar Confusion
Thank you! It definitely was not pleasant, but…totally my fault, haha. BW exercises make my life go round when I don’t have a gym or am feeling too guilty to leave to go to one!
Aww, I really appreciate you saying that! <3! I hope it all turns out well! :D! I'm simultaneously excited and terrified! :P
And see, I would schedule in extra food time :D Naw, I would try and spend some of it with Alex.
Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…YUM! Yummari Gluten Free, Organic Chia Energy Bites (Review)
hahaha, yayuh for extra food time + time spent with loved ones! <3!
all of that sounds kind of intense! I hope the elbow is doing great. When I have an extra 10 I usually like to message a friend :)
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Do you have 10 minutes?
Thank you! It’s definitely doing way better than it was! Messaging a friend is definitely one of my go-to’s too! :]
wow – you’re tough, I hope your shoulder is OK! This is a great list of exercises except the mountain climbers…I don’t like those!!! Body weight exercises are so great and convenient! Have a great day Farrah!
diane@runninrocker recently posted…Journey to Healthy Eating: 28 Day Nutrition Challenge Review and Giveaway
Thanks! I’m definitely not the biggest fan of mountain climbers either, but I feel like if I keep throwing em’ into my life, maybeeee someday I’ll be okay with them! :P
Hope you have an awesome day as well!
I’m glad your arm is ok!!!! That would have really stunk!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Caprese Wheat Berry Salad
Thank you, and me too! That would have been all sorts of miserable to deal with!
Extra time with my kids is a go to for extra time in my day. Russian Twists are one of my favs! Thanks for taking a break from studying to share your inspiration with the #fitfam!
jill conyers recently posted…10 Things To Do With Purpose In 10 Minutes
Of course! The breaks are keepin’ me sane, hehehe. :D Russian Twists are definitely one of my favorites too!
Yikes! I’m glad your arm is ok! Bodyweight exercises are a great way to fit in a workout when you are pressed for time! Thanks for the pinnable image!
Aimee recently posted…Fartlek – Funny Name, Effective Workout
Indeed they are! :D They make me feel slightttly better about having to sit in front of my computer all day to study! :P
I’d pamper myself! :) Paint my toenails. Nothing better for the soul then a bright pop of color.
Melanie recently posted…The 10 Minute Kicker
That definitely does help with the de-stressing! :]!
10 minutes would be enough time for a quick but intense round of circuit exercises (squats, burpees, mountain climbers, sit ups). I’ve been really lazy but after answering your question and commenting here I realize I need to stop making excuses because 10 minutes is enough for a lot!
genevieve @ gratitude & greens recently posted…Genius Vegan French Toast
Thinking of it as just 10 minutes of your day really does help with perspective/being able to make time for it, both in your mind and in your day! I have to remind myself of this a lot too!
I am a huge fan of body weight exercises, especially when it comes to my arms. They seriously work! I always feel the burn after push ups :)
Pragati // Simple Medicine recently posted…3 Ways to Change Your Life in 10 Minutes
Agreed! :D I love all the pushup variations out there too!
Girrrrl BJJ sounds intense!! Good for you for holding your own against those guys! I’m with you on the bodyweight exercises. Keep ’em fast and efficient!
Ariana recently posted…Set Yourself Up for Successful, Healthy Travel
hahaha, they’re all super nice about it and tend to work technique on me more so than just trying to murder me with brute strength (although apparently, I can hold my own on that–hooray hooray!), so that’s a definite plus! Yay indeed for BW exercises! :]
Karate. Most likely. There’s always something you can practice quickly, especially since most kata (forms) are under 1 min. And you are never done ;-) Other than that I’d go with the BW excersizes as well. Your Shark Tank sounds fun! I’m still trying to find a way to fit in a second martial art, but for now my husband would revolt hahaha.
Alex recently posted…A little Something Something
Agreed! :D I hope you find a way to fit in a second martial art somewhere–it’s such a great form of exercise! :] I hope wherever I end up has those opportunities too! *-*
Bodyweight exercises are fantastic – you can do them anywhere!!
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Vietnamese style beef stir fry
Thankfully! :P I’m definitely gonna need that for some of the places I’ll be going to this year! :O