I’ve been a fan of Alana Chernila for ages, and actually have her very first book, The Homemade Pantry, as well. I received it as a birthday present some time ago, but I’ve been lagging at life in actually writing a review for it, so you get my review of her second book, The Homemade Kitchen, first, just because I can. (Translation: I’d totally review her first book first if it wasn’t currently ~3000 miles away!)
The Homemade Kitchen
Genre: Cookbook
Pages: 320
I like to think that I’d really get along with Alana–you can hear how passionate she is through her words, and the life philosophies she lives by are very similar to my own.
I can choose, day by day, to pay attention to the small moments, to love the work of life, and ultimately, to love the days I get to live… And when I cook and eat in a way that reflects how I want to live, it means I have the opportunity three (or more!) times a day to make decisions that help me live that life.”
Start Where You Are
This cookbook is sectioned into chapters using a collection of phrases that she keeps taped up on her fridge, to remind herself to create the life that she wants.
Be A Beginner
What I really like about this book is that no matter where you are on your cooking journey, there’s a wealth of knowledge to learn in here. She doesn’t just include recipes–she writes about how to cook. Ever wanted to learn all the different ways to prepare an egg? The optimal ways to steam or roast different types of vegetables? How to cook grains (rice cooker option included), roast a chicken, make piecrusts, pickles or pasta? This will be your go-to section!
Feed Yourself
How often are we completely uninspired to cook if it’s just for ourselves? (I’m definitely guilty of not putting any effort into my cooking unless it’s to share with others.) This section is devoted to recipes with a serving size of one.
Each chop of the knife and sizzle in the pan is its own affirmation that I am worth it.”

Bread with Radish Butter
Put Your Hands In The Earth
This section so makes me want my own space so I can finally have that fruit/veggie/herb garden I’ve been dreaming of. Learn to grow your own garlic to throw into Queen Garlic with Chèvre and Tomatoes, make roasted red peppers for a Roasted Red Pepper Corn Chowder, or super versatile platter salads!
Be Active
Learn to make your own chèvre (goat cheese) so you can make a Chèvre Cheesecake with Mint & Berries from scratch! (Or your own kefir, feta cheese, kimchi, sourdough…)

Chèvre Cheesecake with Mint & Berries
Use Your Scraps
I also love that she advocates for saving and re-purposing food scraps to reduce waste, and offers ideas for how to use peach pits, strawberry hulls, orange rinds, carrot tops, and other bits and scraps that we’d normally throw out.
Do Your Best, and Then Let Go
This section talks about how to buy different cuts of meat, and offers a number of recipes on how to prepare them into tasty meals and appetizers. It even teaches you to make your own tofu!

Be Helpful
She also goes over how to make crowd favorites (e.g. goldfish crackers, animal crackers) from scratch!
Do the Work
If you adore bread, this is the section for you! This includes Honey Wheat Bread, Cinnamon Swirl Bread, Seeded Bagels, flavored cream cheese, muffins…
Slow Down
Apple Chips, Rhubarb Snacking Cake, Turkish Breakfast, Braised Lamb Shanks… *-*
Eat Outside
These recipes are all great for picnics and (as the section suggests) eating outside! :]
Cold Buttermilk Borscht, Corn Salad with Nectarines and Basil, Sesame Noodles, Ice Pops…
Invite People Over
I think good food is best when shared with awesome company, and this section is all about that! Maki Rolls, Jambalaya, Chili & Cornbread…

Swiss Chard Tacos with Fresh Cheese + A Fried Egg
Don’t Be Afraid of Food
What cookbook would be complete without a dessert section?! Learn how to make Pound Cake, different flavors of ice cream, chocolate syrup, Pear Gingerbread, or this Summer Trifle! (In case you’re wondering, the cover photo of this book is the Plum Tart!)
Each of her recipes is accompanied by the serving size, a short intro/background, ingredients, instructions, and most include different variations and/or storage instructions! As you can probably tell, there’s a whole lot of gorgeous food photography that I may or may not have used to get my brother hungry so that we could go eat dinner. If you get a chance to pick The Homemade Kitchen up, I’d definitely recommend it! *-*
Connect with Alana through her blog or on social media!
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- What’s one of your philosophies in life? Does it apply to food too?
- Have you had a chance to get your hands on The Homemade Kitchen? Check out my review here!
- Do you frequent Eating From The Ground Up? I’m so sad that I missed her CA appearances! If you live in Massachusetts, she has two more book signings/demonstrations/dinners planned this month!
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Wow, this does sound like quite the inspiring cookbook and read combo. I love the quotes you included from her book!
Kaylin@EnticingHealthyEating recently posted…Friday Favorites: Be Goofy with your Significant Other
For serious–it’s such a great combination, since food is such a big part of life! :P I lovelovelove this cookbook! <3
Oh my God, that looks delicious!!! :) I’m drooling over them! How is medical school life?
Thanks, Aurora! :D! I’m on an inpatient rotation this month, so life has been pretty crazy-busy, but I like to think it’s good for me in terms of learning, hehehe. I’m hoping I’ll get a little time to breathe after this rotation (or maybe the one after this one, har har).
What a beautiful book! I love the photography. And I could face plant into that cheesecake. :)
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…PRP Update & a Weekend of Not Cooking
hahaha, me too! *-* It looks so good!
It looks amazing, I love how it’s not just a recipe book!
Emilie recently posted…Ways to Make Money Online: Tested
Same here! :] Everything looks so good!
I am terrible about using my scraps…I know I could be making delicious stock from it…
Jess @hellotofit recently posted…3 Things Every Personal Trainer Should Do to Succeed
I really need to find out more uses for scraps too–she gave lots of good suggestions! :]!
This looks like a gorgeous book! I love a cook book that really breaks in down.
Julie @ Running in a Skirt recently posted…Things I’m Loving Lately 20
Same here! :D This may well be one of my absolute favorites! <3
This is like a delicious cookbook! I really like that she talks about using scraps too!! I am a leftover queen!
Kalee recently posted…A Nap Leads to Super Health Powers Against Stress
Agreed! :D I hate to waste anything!!
This sounds like such a great cookbook! I’ll have to add it to my Amazon Wishlist. :-) Thanks for sharing your review!
Lex @ Flecksoflex recently posted…The Week Behind, The Week Ahead [LINKUP]
I hope someone gets it for you soon! <3! Thanks for stopping by! :D!
This looks great! I love that it has ideas for one. That is always a great cookbook draw for me.
Trish recently posted…Music Monday – “Come to the Sunshine” by Harper’s Bazaar (1967)
Agreed! :D! Thanks for stopping by, Trish! :]
This is such a great thorough review. I definitely want this book.. I will put it on my wishlist for my birthday. Thanks for sharing on Literacy Musing Mondays.
Thanks for having that linkup! :D Such a great way to find out about other books, and I hope you get this for your birthday! :]
This book looks absolutely divine!
It’s an awesome one! <3!
Use your scraps! Yes!!! Haha! My motto!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Harissa Potato Salad
Tis a good way to go! I hate to waste anything!
You’ve sold me on it, that’s for sure! I have a thing for cookbooks; and actually prefer them over cooking itself. I’m checking this one out. Thanks F! :-)
Angie Scheie recently posted…Weekending (Lululemon Rush, Dental Drama, & A Crushing Loss)
Anytime, Angie! :D I hope you like it! I get what you mean about those cookbooks! :P Sometimes I just like staring at all the beautiful food pictures! *-*
For starters, I really need my morning cup of coffee, I first thought the book title was “Homemade Kittens”- LMAO! Seriously though, this book sounds wonderful. I love all of the different sections you described, they sound so motivating and inspiring. Thanks for the great review :)
Sonali- The Foodie Physician recently posted…Dining with the Doc: Chinese Soup Dumplings
hahahaha, I can see where it might look like kittens! ;P (I’ve been misreading some things in the morning too. So not a morning person still, but someday!! :'( ) Thanks for checking out my review, Sonali! <3!
This sounds and looks like a really great cook book. I actually enjoy cooking from books more than from Internet, mainly because I cannot bring that one into the kitchen (and I have no printer). Especially so if the book comes with extra tips & tricks.
Have a great weekend!
Alex recently posted…What I Read on the Internet #19
Agreed! I don’t usually have a printer on me anymore either, and I don’t want to chance having my laptop in the kitchen, so cookbooks are awesome! I love the ones that come with extra tips and tricks too! :]!