Taughannock Falls State Park Gorge Trail

Welcome to another Travel Tuesday! Hopefully you’re not tired of Ithaca yet because today’s post is also from when I was in Ithaca last summer! :P We’re going for a short hike on the Gorge Trail in Taughannock Falls State Park!

Taughannock Falls State Park Gorge Trail

Taughannock Falls has a 215 foot plunge, making it even taller than Niagara Falls! It’s thought to be named either after…

  • A combination of Iroquois + Algonquin terms meaning “great fall in the trees,” or…
  • Taughannock, after a Delaware chief who defied the Iroquois and died in battle near the falls

Distance: 0.75 miles
Duration: 0.5 hours
Difficulty: Easy
Trailhead Address: 1740 Taughannock Blvd, (Rt 89), Trumansburg, NY 14886
Fee: $8 (gets you into all the NY state parks for the day!)

The fall’s base is made of shale, siltstone and sandstone. Taughannock Falls is the tallest single-drop waterfall east of the Rocky Mountains!

There are two other trails available–the North Rim Trail and the South Rim Trail, both of which are only open from April to October. They can be connected to form a loop hike that’ll give you pretty views of the Upper Falls. The Gorge Trail and the overlook are both open year-round! Dogs are allowed on a leash.

Cayuga Lake is nearby and lifeguarded swimming is available seasonally! Please note that swimming under the waterfall is forbidden!

If you've ever been to Taughannock Falls State Park, make sure you check out the Gorge Trail to visit a beautiful waterfall! #taughannockfallsstatepark #taughannockfalls #stateparks #findyourpark #waterfalls

  • Where’s your favorite state park?
  • Favorite hike?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/taughannock-falls-state-park-gorge-trail/


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  1. Wow, looks great. Can’t wait to get back to beautiful North America this summer. It’s been too long. Your posts are giving me lots of inspiration for my trip.

    1. Aww, thank you! I hope you have an awesome trip this summer! :]

  2. Gorgeous, I need to go!

    1. I hope you get to check it out sometime! It’s so gorgeous over there! :]

  3. Oh my goodness, this looks like a dream! I would love to visit here one day!

    Xo Logan

    1. I hope you get to sometime! :]

  4. What a gorgeous gorge and waterfall! I love visiting waterfalls!
    Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…The Rundown-Weekly Workout Recap MarchMy Profile

    1. Me too! They’re one of my favorite hiking destinations/views! :]

  5. Hello Travel Tuesday’s!
    I’ll never get tired of Ithaca. Taughannock Falls is breath taking. Waterfalls always take my breath away, they are so power and beautiful. It’s truly a natural marvel. This looks like a fun hike

    1. Same here! :]! This was definitely a pretty one! I wanna go back to Ithaca again (I don’t think I’d ever get tired of it either!)

  6. Oh wow! I need to get to Ithaca! Taughannock Falls looks absolutely amazing. Saving this post for future reference. :)

    1. Hope you get to go sometime! :] I miss it there–it was so pretty!

  7. Wow this place looks amazing! I definitely need to take a trip there to see this beauty!

    1. I hope you get to check it out sometime! :]

  8. I am so jealous ! This looks incredible! My favorite hike would probably be anything with falls. I love looking at them. Love the Jim Thorpe area. Hiking in CO was breathtaking. Can’t wait to get out on more hikes. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Ahh, I can’t wait to check out the Colorado area! :] There are so many places I want to visit over there!

  9. Very pretty! I really need to get out and enjoy nature more often

    1. It’s definitely a nice way to destress! :]!

  10. Those waterfalls look amazing!

    1. It was so pretty! :]

  11. This is awesome. Come to Upstate NY and go to the falls in Watkins Glen.

    1. Ahhh, that’s one of the places I really wanted to visit too! *-*

  12. I really do aspire to hike more! I say that every time I see your photos
    Deborah Brooks recently posted…Drop It Like A Squat Workout WednesdayMy Profile

    1. hehehe, it makes me want to hike more when I look back on previous trips too! :P

  13. Looks like a great time! Last year I went on a search for waterfalls in Iowa… I didn’t see all the waterfalls I wanted but I saw some really awesome state parks and hiked in some really awesome areas. I will have to take a trip here. Beautiful!

    1. Ooo, I’ve never been to Iowa but I may have to add that to my list! The unplanned discoveries are sometimes even more awesome! :]

  14. Woooah Taughannock Falls is spectacular Farrah! That area where it looks like you are walking on water – was the river flowing below those rocks? It looks really cool with the little watery holes around your feet!
    Josy A recently posted…Camelshoof Peak and Fire Lookout – LillooetMy Profile

    1. It was!! It was super cool when we got there and looked down at that area — definitely couldn’t resist going down and walking around! We went in early summer but I wonder if it has more water during early spring? :O

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