Our first two field days were spent at a clinic in the sugarcane fields with no running water or electricity. We set up a pharmacy, a peds clinic and several rooms with physicians both from the DR and from WV. My assignment on the first day was taking all the vitals with two first-years. (This …
Tag: volunteering
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/rural-seibo-1/
Apr 02
Hato Mayor
Advance warning! I’m pretty much going to be writing over the course of the next week-ish about the medical service trip I went on. Part of it may be in present tense because I wrote it while I was over there. I compiled most of the billions of pictures that were taken into collages of …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/hato-mayor/
Mar 21
packing for PAX
Our club managed to raise a pretty good chunk of change to bring a bunch of medications/toiletries/supplies with us to the Dominican Republic. We leave today (it’s the start of our spring break!), so I hope we manage to do a whole lot of good out there! I hope I learn a great deal, don’t …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/packing-for-pax/
Mar 06
Treats For Troops – i’m famous!
Wayyyy back in the day (last year), I did a treat swap (Treats For Troops!) to send baked goods to organizations all over town, troops overseas, and throughout our school community. Apparently, I’m famous (aka they wrote an article about me/it in the school newsletter)! :O
Treats …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/im-famous/
Mar 04
Follies 2014
I am officially done with all performance-related events for the year and can retire to my study hibernation! :O We managed to raise $3k for the club and for the Family Refuge Center! :] The Follies Bake Sale went really well too (the red velvet s’mores bars …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/follies-2014/