This is from a long-overdue recipe post for a couple months ago, but I got 30 flour tortillas at C Town for 99 cents. (It was too great of a deal to pass up. :O ) Thus, ever since, I’ve been thinking of ways to use them up before I uh, go back for more. …
Tag: simple recipes
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Nov 08
Deviled Eggs (Version 1)
I was making hardboiled eggs for my sandwiches, and I happened to recall that we had a bigass container of mustard that no one else would ever touch (remember my mention of the mustard pasta my dad made? it was made with said mustard a couple weeks later ._. gg farrah).
Aside from the time …
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Nov 06
Malaysian-style Egg Over Rice
One of my housemates, Hamidah, made this for dinner one day when we were feeling uninspired and decided to pool the ingredients we had together to make something cool.
Malaysian-style Egg Over Rice
Ingredients: -eggs, hardboiled -corn -red onions -tamarind -red pepper flakes -rice -ketchup or tomatoes
Instructions: 1) Hardboil or fry …
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Nov 05
Huminara Sauce
Do you love pasta? Are you ready for a change from your usual pasta sauce?
The idea for this came from Kiss My Broccoli! :O I added chopped mushrooms and corn. You can also make the hummus and the marinara sauce from scratch, but I was pressed for time. …
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Oct 16
Garlic Bread
This is also from our epic Christmas feast from 2010. I think it’s cute that Nadia decided not to go to culinary school because she didn’t want to have to wash her own dishes. This is one of the billions of reasons why we got along so well.
1) Farrah never rarely ever …
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