Tag: reviews

Staying Hydrated with Ohyo Bottles

As a general rule, I never buy bottled water. I do my best to make less of a negative impact on the world wherever possible, so that includes unplugging everything that I can in my apartment before I leave…to walking/biking all over the place back when I was living in a place with sidewalks.

Very …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/staying-hydrated-with-ohyo-bottles/

idrinksant + Antioxidant Protein Bomb Smoothie

I’m sorry that I’ve been behind on responding lately! My days are way more enjoyable now (I <3 my new preceptor), so I’ve been using my extra hours to catch up on all the stuff I couldn’t get to in the last 3 weeks because everything would always be closed by the time I got …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/review-idrinksant-antioxidant-protein-bomb/

Using MealEnders to Curb Overeating

Storytime! My nicknames include “Black Hole,” “Food Receptacle,” and most recently, “Hollow Leg.” (As in, when I went back to Lewisburg for Valentine’s Day weekend, Scott called Linda to invite her out for Valentine’s Day lunch, and told her to “bring the hollow leg too.” [Thanks, Scott!])

I can eat a lot, and I’ve scared …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/review-using-mealenders-curb-overeating-giveaway/

The Healthy Mind Cookbook

Way back in my pre-clinical years (which was actually last experienced less than a year ago), my school decided to use our class to experiment with a curriculum change. We moved into a systems-based approach, and although the thought process behind it was great…as with most new things, it was/is not without its kinks, and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/healthy-mind-cookbook-apple-pie-walnuts/

Hemp Hearts + Protein Banana Cake

I’ve been using hemp hearts ever since my discovery of hemp hearts at Costco back in the days when I actually lived within a reasonable driving distance from one.

They are wonderful on everything from my protein smoothies (e.g. Chocolate Raspberry Protein Smoothie) to baked goods (Continue reading

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/banana-cake-hemp-hearts-giveaway/