It’s getting frighteningly cold and I’m not really sure how I stayed so complacent about it last year (maybe I didn’t actually and my brain blocked it out so that I would still come back after winter break). I’d taken to starting each morning with a smoothie, but since it’s been so darn cold, I …
Tag: recipes
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Nov 05
Pumpkin Tofu Lasagna
This is a cheese-less and meatless lasagna (the first one I’ve ever made!)! It was very much a “use whatever you have in the fridge” sort of deal, but I loosely followed this recipe right here. I’d love to follow it exactly someday, but as much as I love the …
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Nov 03
Chocolate Coffee Protein Shake
My coffee consumption has increased quite a bit since I started hanging out with my current study buddies. (We generally all study alone but in the general vicinity of each other and then convene a day or two before exam days to drill everything under the sun.) I usually bring more than enough food for …
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Nov 01
Pumpkin Tofu Mousse
This has a nutty, creamy almost-pudding-like consistency and is glorious in every way (+ way healthier than it could be). I feel like it’d also make a great pie filling. We might try baking it next time. :D
Pumpkin Tofu Mousse Nutritional Info: (makes ~16 servings) 83 cal, 6g CHO’s, 5g fat, 6g …
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Oct 30
Pumpkin Beef & Chicken Chili
Monika and I decided to do a sort of pumpkin-themed dinner after one of our quizzes last week! As luck would have it, I happened upon the cutest crockpot in the world a couple weeks ago, and it was on sale for <$20! Needless to say (after reading some reviews online), I brought it home …
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