Almost 2 years ago, when I was being a demo girl for Twirly Girls at the San Jose Fitness Expo, I had a chance to meet Bryan Au, the author of Raw Star Recipes. He was super, super nice, and very enthusiastic about food. I got …
Tag: recipes
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Mar 12
Apple Chips
Apparently, I never wrote about this even though it happened well before International Festival or Follies this year. D: Oops.
Each year, the Emergency Medicine club hosts a male pageant where 4 1st-year and 4 2nd-year contests compete to win the coveted title of Mr. WVSOM. …
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Mar 10
Thai-style Fried Rice
I haven’t been cooking much lately because March is my month of travels, which in essence means that if I so happen to cook in bulk, there will be no one around to eat it (4.5 days in Philly and 8 days in the Dominican Republic). I’ve been living at the cat shelter this past …
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Mar 05
Banana Bread
I have no idea how it’s possible that I’ve never made banana bread yet!?
I spent the last two days sleeping over on my friends’ futon because another snowstorm decided to hit. (Any day now, spring! We’re waitin’ on you!) Such as it was, the bananas that I’d purchased 1.5(?) weeks ago on super-sale (for …
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