Tag: recipes

Pumpkin Cinnamon Chip Protein Balls

I happened to have all the ingredients to make this last weekend, so here we are! Recipe was taken from here! This made me 10 protein balls (only 8 are pictured because the plate couldn’t fit any more). I took the picture right after I scooped em’ onto …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/pumpkin-cinnamon-chip-protein-balls/

Pumpkin Pistachio Kale Fried Rice

Treasured Cookware: Share a story of classic cookware – and a healthy recipe to go with it. Some of us will be celebrating Mother’s Day next month (May 11,) but it’s more than once a year that many of us cook with a pan, a wooden spoon or another piece of cookware passed on to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/pumpkin-pistachio-kale-fried-rice/

Coconut Date Protein Shake

Once upon a time, Kroger decided to mark down a whole bunch of their Liberte coconut yogurt (25 cents each! :O!). I’m a huge fan of sales and yogurt, so I bought a bunch of em’. :x Ever since, I’ve been trying to figure out ways to incorporate them into recipes (I’d like to try …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/coconut-date-protein-shake/

Raspberry Almond Bird’s Nest Cookies

Not too long ago, I discovered that there was a such thing as Carrot Cake M&M’s.

Yeah, you read that correctly! Carrot Cake M&M’s!

I couldn’t find them at Kroger so I scoured Walmart for them (that was a load of fun) because I wanted to make bird’s nest cookies that weren’t frighteningly unhealthy.

I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/raspberry-almond-birds-nest-cookies/

Fried Bananas

Linda got this recipe from a restaurant she used to frequent with her family back when they were in SD. They went so often that when she poked her head into the kitchen to ask how the fried bananas were made, the chef actually told her. And I get to benefit from this! <3

This …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/fried-bananas/