Tag: recipes

Strawberry Chia Pudding

If you’re reading this post, please direct some positive thoughts/energy in my direction and/or pray for me today! I need all the positivity I can get for the test I’m taking! <3

Since real-life me is stuck at a prometric testing center taking an 8-hour exam that will more or less define whether or …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/strawberry-chia-pudding/

Lemongrass Clay Pot

Recipe adapted from here! I’ve been loving one-pot recipes lately because they’re so, so easy and convenient. (I have no time to cook. ;_; )

Lemongrass Clay Pot


Ingredients: -2 cups short-grain brown rice -3 Chinese chicken sausages, sliced -8 oz shittake & …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/lemongrass-clay-pot/

Apple Butter Yogurt Cheesecake

This is another one of my let’s-clean-out-my-fridge-before-I-move-out recipes, and conveniently happened to fall in time to celebrate a friend’s birthday. :D Recipe adapted from here! I made this about 1.5 months ago, but it feels like it’s been several decades. Funny what a life of studying …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/apple-butter-yogurt-cheesecake/

Greek Yogurt Mashed Potatoes

I had a bag of baby Yukon gold potatoes that I’d gotten for 99 cents (yay for manager’s specials at Kroger!) that I needed to use up, so I rescued them from my apartment and brought them over to Linda’s so that we could use up the mountains of fresh dill she had. (We’re trying …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/greek-yogurt-mashed-potatoes/

One-Pot Veggies & Brown Rice

I’ve been growing my one-pot recipe collection because of boards studying. This is a super, super versatile recipe, so have at it with the experimentation! Feel free to throw in an egg or two for protein. I didn’t only because they were back at my apartment, and we had a lot of grilled chicken, fish …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/one-pot-veggies-brown-rice/