Tag: recipes

Recipe Showcase (Spill It, Sundays)

I believe this is the last of the your-own-posts Spill It, Sundays, so I’m leaving you with these three! I’ve been blogging less recently because of orientation, moving, not having internet (etc.). I’ve actually run out of scheduled posts (noooo!) for the time being, so getting everything written months ahead again is going to be …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/3-recipes/

Copycat Orange Berry Blitz

Jamba Juice and I go way back. My favorite female cousin introduced me to the place when I was about 12-13 and treated both me and my brother to whatever we wanted there. The two of us have extremely similar tastes in food, which rears its ugly head most often at sushi buffets, because without …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/orange-berry-blitz/

Fitness Fav on Friday (Fuel)

This week’s Fitness Favorites is on our favorite fuel (food, supplements, hydration, recovery, etc.)! This week, I’m pairing it with this week’s Spill It, Sundays theme because the themes overlap! …This is also because I’m currently in CA and eating the world, saving the world (aka replaying Chrono Trigger) and spending time with my friends/family, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/fitness-fav-on-friday-fuel/

Orange Creamsicle Oatmeal

I saw Arman’s post for Cake Batter Oatmeal a couple weeks ago and decided that I really needed to make it, but at the time, I was in the process of finishing off my Orange Cream milk, so I used that instead and came up with this! (The only real …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/orange-creamsicle-oatmeal/

Chocolate Cherry Protein Shake

I made this after Tetris-ing a whole lot of boxes/bags and the like into a car and a moving van. (The guys were moving all my stuff to Kentucky for me because I was stuck in Lewisburg studying, so I figured the least I could do would be to help them stuff everything in.)

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/chocolate-cherry-protein-shake/