Tag: recipes

Friday Favorites: 12/12

I’m linking up today with Friday Favorites & Fit & Fashionable Friday! Buttons are at the bottom if you’d like to check them out! :] Our theme for Foodie Friday this week is healthy hot beverages! With luck, I’ll be posting …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/friday-favorites/

Roasted Garlic Cauliflower Broccoli Soup

I’m joining up for Meatless Monday today with a hot soup! :] Before I get to the recipe, I wanted to share two things!

One of them is the workout I did yesterday “with” Laura (live on youtube! :P ). This is actually the first video I’ve ever posted to my blog! :O! I didn’t …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/roasted-garlic-cauliflower-broccoli-soup/

Tikka Masala Pizza Cake

Tikka Masala Pizza Cake

Welcome to our weekly Foodie Friday link up! I’m linking up with Montana from Pretty Lil Mudder, Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Emily from Whatever Floats Your Oats, Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl, and Cassandra …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/tikka-masala-pizza-cake-fff/

Baked Caramel Banapple

Hi everyone! Happy Thursday! For those of you who didn’t win my ebook giveaway for Charlene Carr’s “Skinny Me,” and wanted something new to read, she is generously offering a 50% off discount for my readers! :] Here’s the link! <3

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/baked-caramel-banapple/

Caramel Apple Cupcakes

Before we get to business on these “cupcakes” (what’s the difference between cupcakes and muffins anyway? is it the frosting and/or lack thereof?), Rafflecopter has picked the Skinny Me ebook giveaway winners! :D! I’ve emailed the winners and also stalked em’ down on Twitter to tell them to check …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/caramel-apple-cupcakes/