Tag: recipes

Curried Carrots

One of the things I made for our potluck towards the end of April! The picture is terrible because I forgot to take one until after most of it had already been eaten. :/ My apologies. But people really liked it, and it’s a super simple recipe!

Curried Carrots

Ingredients: -5 carrots, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/curried-carrots/

Honey Mustard Quinoa Corncakes

I made these hella days ago and apparently never posted a recipe for it! :/ I came across it while I was updating my fb with more food porn to torture Steve, even though it’s obviously not my fault that we have to diet. (If I have to suffer, we suffer together. ;_; ) Anyway, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/honey-mustard-quinoa-corncakes/

Grilled Ahi Steak

I bought some yellowfin tuna a while back (before my diet started ;_; ) and decided to make something with it so I’d at least have good food to enjoy while cutting back. :O I had this with quinoa and bokchoy. Recipe adapted from here.

‘Grilled’ Ahi Steak

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/grilled-ahi-steak/

Strawberry Ginger Punch

Another recipe from the birthday picnic!

Strawberry Ginger Punch

Ingredients: -ginger ale -strawberries, sliced -pineapple juice -pineapple, crushed or sliced

Instructions: 1) Combine ginger ale with pineapple juice and add strawberry slices + crushed/sliced pineapple.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/strawberry-ginger-punch/

饺子 (Dumplings From Scratch)

I’ve made dumplings before, but this time, it’s all from scratch! We were originally going to use pre-made wrappers, but the ones I’d gotten unfortunately went bad. (Got too busy and didn’t get a chance to use them. :'( Thanks a lot, med school!)

So we made our dumplings from scratch (nice to know that I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/%e9%a5%ba%e5%ad%90-dumplings/