Tag: philosophies in life

“it just melts into the cracks!”

“I was a chemical engineering major and I studied this in pchem! Ice cream has a low packing density would increase the packing density by filling up the spaces, so if you have a stomach full of sushi, you can still fill it with another stomach of ice cream.”


Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/it-just-melts-into-the-cracks/

Wit (2001)

Yesterday, in the class that I’m auditing (I have a pretty amazing attendance rate for classes I’m not actually a part of; I even turn in assignments that I technically don’t have to do! :O ), we watched the 2001 film, Wit. I’m usually not one to go around strongly recommending movies, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/wit/