philosophies in life | fairyburger - Page 6

Tag: philosophies in life

Your Imaginary Trainer

Hey everyone! This week’s [optional] #DishTheFit theme (hosted by Jill Conyers @, & Jessica Joy @ is…

What would your imaginary trainer say to motivate you?

Unless you count my ex from about half a decade ago, I’ve never actually had an ~*official*~ trainer. He’s the one who started …

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A Difficult Time In My Life

11/19: A Difficult Time In My Life – Part #19 of the November Blog Challenge gets its own post because I don’t want to lump it with the other topics. (It’s gonna be a long one, so consider yourself warned!) I debated not posting this, because I like to keep things positive, but that’s not how …

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November Blog Challenge (#1-#6)

I came across a blog challenge over at Missy’s blog and since I’ve never actually done a blog challenge before, I figured I’d join in on the fun this November! Due to the fact that I am a total rebel usually schedule a billion posts into the …

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Ways To Win My Heart

How to Win My Heart in an Instant

One of the questions I like to randomly throw out there is, “What would be your proposal food?” (Not a big surprise, since food makes my world go round, right?) For the record, “proposal food” means the food that’d make you say yes to a marriage proposal. Obviously, there are other factors involved in the …

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Ultimate Coffee Date: September 2014

How has everyone been doing? Come pull up a chair and enjoy some [virtual] coffee with me! :] This link up is hosted by Nikki, Jill & Lynda!

I actually still haven’t consumed a …

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