Tag: nature

Surfing with the Hawaii Surf Guru

I’d never tried surfing before, so I figured…what better place to learn than in Hawai’i?

I do most of my “travel research” on Yelp because I tend to plan my travels around food, so after a bit of digging around, I found amazing reviews for the Hawaii Surf Guru, otherwise …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/surfing-hawaii-surf-guru/

Fall Foliage in Vermont

A little over a year ago, I got a pair of super comfortable leggings from Janji. I took them on my adventures through Delaware whilst visiting Trish and have since been conquering the world in them.

Alright, I kid. (About conquering the world, anyway. But it felt like I had.)

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/fall-foilage-in-vermont/

Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail

Welcome to another Travel Tuesday! (Go check out my new[-ish] Travel tab! <3 ) As I promised at the last one, we’re taking on the Makapu’u Lighthouse Trail today!


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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/makapuu-lighthouse-trail/

Snorkeling in Hanauma Bay

If you’re stopping by from Kristy’s Grow Your Blog hop, welcome! :] In case you’re new here, I’m a first-year resident Family Medicine physician and this is my tiny corner of the universe where I share recipes, bits on health/healthy living, travel, and excerpts of my life!

You can also …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/snorkeling-hanauma-bay/

Touristing + Food Truck Hopping Through Oahu

While I was in Hawai’i, I spent the weekend with a college friend I used to dance with in Na Keiki O’ Hawai’i. I was originally going to hike the Pali Puka trail with her, butttt we opted for a lazy beach day instead!

(If you missed my vacationing on the cheap in Oahu

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/beach-day-food-truck-hopping/