Tag: music

Reflections on Four Years in Medical School #BehindTheBlogger

This Is My Life: I graduated from medical school 4 days ago. It honestly still doesn’t feel entirely real.

From finding out that I’d been accepted to medical school to our white coat ceremony, taking/passing my boards to graduating, it’s been a pretty crazy journey.

It’s been an incredibly long and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/reflections-on-four-years-in-medical-school/

The ABCs of Fairyburger

What with two back-to-back inpatient rotations, a broken hand, and a hell of a lot of driving/flying/traveling in general, I’ve unfortunately run out of scheduled-into-the-future posts…so I stole this from Suz, and took until now to finish it because I’m awesome like that.

Fun fact behind the above …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/the-abcs-of-fairyburger/

A trip to Davis

AT LAST!!! (I’m outta my cast, m’friends!!!) I am unfortunately still far from fully healed. Buddy tape and splint for at least the next 4 weeks, and my ortho doc says I still have probably around 3-6 months. MONTHS. Til full recovery. My heart hurts, but I’m trying to be positive.

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/a-trip-to-davis/

Underneath It All #BehindTheBlogger

Underneath It All: Behind the usually-upbeat exterior, I have my bad days and insecurities just like everyone else. Few things bring it out more so than medical school, but I like to think I’ve gotten a lot better! As with everything else, there’s always more room for improvement–I’m just gonna keep on truckin’!

I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/underneath-it-all/

How Music Helped Me Through Medical School #BehindTheBlogger

How Music Helped Me Through Med School

The #BehindTheBlogger this time around is on what keeps me grounded, so I’m going to talk about how music helped me through medical school! :]

(If we’re going to be specific, it helped me not just through medical school, but also through undergrad and grad school too…and y’know, life in general!)

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/how-music-helped-me-through-medical-school/