Advance Warning: This post is an epic mass of text. (For the record, most of my future posts labeled “School” will be epic walls of text unless it’s anatomy-related. If you’re completely uninterested anything to do with the medical field, for future reference, skip these. :O ) We had our “Review of Systems” lab yesterday, …
Tag: med school
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Mar 09
I’ve probably mentioned it before, but my main interest lies in family medicine. I’ve been told time and again that I will likely change my mind, and we won’t know for sure what we want until we go through our rotations, but based on my life experiences thus far, I think I can safely say …
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Mar 07
It is definitely no secret that I want the anatomy GTA position. I’ve kinda been gunning for it before I even got accepted into this school. (Just so we’re clear, I’m about the farthest thing from a gunner, but I love anatomy. Perhaps a little too much.) Dr. Gross instilled in me a great love …
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Feb 25
free night off
The server was down today, which means…that we got to have lives (sad how that works, isn’t it?)! We had a quiz that actually went fairly well (by that, I mean it was actually reasonable in the sense that they really tested what they said they’d test on–no waiii! :O ).
I was greeted by …
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