Although I really shouldn’t complain, since we’re lucky to even have one (with “free” membership, since it’s included into our monstrous tuition), there are a few things I really wish our gym could have. I’ve been getting kinda pissy at whoever’s been leaving all their weights everywhere. (If I knew who he was [I can …
Tag: hobbies
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Jan 30
International Festival 2013
Our school had an international festival over the weekend to raise money for the students who are going to the Dominican Republic over spring break to provide free medical care and medications to the people there. I’m not actually a part of the club, but wanted to participate anyway, so I volunteered to model for …
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Dec 26
christmas adventures
I’ve been all excited about coming back home because, aside from being able to see my family/friends again (and Asian food!), I can practice wrestling/rolling with my brother!
I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but way back in the day, we used to fight all the time and I got really good at escaping whenever …
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Dec 24
bikram yoga
Since I no longer have a gym membership for when I’m home-home, I decided to buy a Groupon for 10 Bikram Yoga classes to use while I was back for winter break. It expires in April, which essentially means that I need to use them all this break (I have 9 days). Game on, my …
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Dec 12
Fitness Goals 2012
My neighbor mentioned the other day (yesterday) that he’s glad he’s managed to stay in shape, because a lot of people in our class have started to “let go.” (All the stress and studying.) The most common excuse is always “I don’t have time.”
Not true.
You don’t have the time because you don’t make …
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