Yesterday was the first day of my new 101 in 1001! (Here’s my old one. I like to think that I gave it a good run!)
It’s amazing how much can change in the span of almost 3 years. I had to make some …
Apr 05
Yesterday was the first day of my new 101 in 1001! (Here’s my old one. I like to think that I gave it a good run!)
It’s amazing how much can change in the span of almost 3 years. I had to make some …
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Mar 04
I am officially done with all performance-related events for the year and can retire to my study hibernation! :O We managed to raise $3k for the club and for the Family Refuge Center! :] The Follies Bake Sale went really well too (the red velvet s’mores bars …
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Feb 28
We managed to raise even more than last year’s international festival! $5000 from the auctions alone! Auctioning off one of our male professors for board review sessions sparked an all-out war between two groups of girls (he has many female admirers). He went for $800. Twas an awesome idea and …
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Feb 24
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Nov 22
We had an MMA class last week. This is especially exciting because it hasn’t happened since August. The stars haven’t really been aligning in terms of my school schedule and Dan’s work schedule/life. :[ But as always, it was super fun!
We made a lot of jokes and stuff because let’s face it, BJJ can …
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