Here’s another recipe from 6F feasting (this one’s also pilfered from Jun)!
I know the weather’s warming up in most parts of the world, and I tend to enjoy warm soups on cold nights, but I’ve been caught in severe thunderstorms for the past couple nights and it’s …
About a year ago, these conversations happened. If you hone in on that very last conversation, we’ll have my current situation now (except that I did not in fact kick Scott out of his room :O ). I didn’t get Lewisburg as my rotation site, but I have in fact officially moved …
I’m going to be a terrible person and not pass this on, not because I wouldn’t like to, but because life (namely, school, which really is the basis of my life) has not been going so well lately (understatement of the year) and I need to redirect all my attention and focus to that, as …
I am officially done (again) with my med school courses! The “again” is due to the fact that ACLS apparently did count toward our grade, so we’ve had that all week. It was somewhat frustrating in the sense that I have my giant test to take tomorrow, and ACLS effectively sapped all my boards study …
Welcome to Fairyburger! :] I'm Farrah, a Family Medicine physician in the SF Bay Area who aspires to lead by example, and loves all things fitness and food-related, finding great deals, and making every moment count.
Come join me for the "My Month is Booked" linkup on the first Monday of every month to share what books you read over the past month + get reading inspiration from other bloggers/readers! :]
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