Tag: hobbies

Vision Board

This week’s [optional] theme for the Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @ JillConyers.com, & Jessica Joy @ TheFitSwitch.org) was to create a vision board! :D!

I loved this theme because I’ve always wanted to make my own vision board(s); I’ve just never gotten around to doing it!

Once …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/vision-board/

My Visual Reflection of 2014

December’s Pole Dancing Bloggers Association theme was “A Visual Reflection of 2014.”

Since pole is unfortunately more of a back-when-I’m-home sort of deal these days and I don’t get to go home very often, this is a visual reflection of the highlights of my year!

75% of these pictures …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/my-visual-reflection-of-2014/

Friday Five/Favorites + Fit N’ Fashionable Friday

Hope everyone [who celebrates it] had a fun, happy and relaxing Christmas! :] I’m linking up today with Friday Favorites (Housewife Glamour & Running 4 Cupcakes), Friday Five (Courtney of Eat Pray Run, DC, Cynthia of You Signed Up for What?!? and Mar from 

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/friday-fivefavorites-fit-n-fashionable-friday/

Dear Body…

I’m joining in again on this week’s Fit Dish link up (hosted by Jill Conyers @ JillConyers.com, & Jessica Joy @ TheFitSwitch.org)! I love this week’s [optional] theme, which is a gratitude letter to your health! I’m all about trying to see the best in each situation and being thankful for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/dear-body/

Functional Fitness

I’ve been a little behind the times in terms of working out lately–I still go to back-to-back TKD/BJJ classes twice a week and try to get some kind of workout on the off-days in between, but the struggle is real. The fact that I’m standing for 7-8 hours a day probably isn’t helping, but I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/functional-fitness/