OB/GYN was somewhat of a mess of semi-unpredicted hours, because unless it was a planned c-section, you never really knew when a baby would decide it was ready to come out. Mondays were my preceptor’s call days, so there was a lot of sitting + waiting. (We’d pass the time by fighting off food comas …
Tag: conversations
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/reflections-on-obgyn/
May 19
Reflections on General Surgery
….Weirdly enough, this has been one of my absolute favorite rotations so far (here’s what a typical surgery day was like for me)!
F: I’m really surprised about how much I loved this rotation. I’m so sad that it’s already ended! :[ The weeks flew by! …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/reflections-on-general-surgery/
Apr 08
Reflections on Family Medicine (Elective)
Ah, my light at the end of the tunnel after a somewhat distressing psych rotation. <3 I looked forward to this rotation like no other, and it definitely disappoint. I had a different preceptor each week, and all four of them were wonderful, super welcoming, and willing to teach. :]! …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/reflections-on-family-medicine-elective/
Mar 31
Reflections on Psychiatry
As you may recall, save for the time I got to spend interacting with my preceptor’s patients, I did not enjoy my psychiatry rotation. At all. (Until the last 3 days, but I’ll get to that.) I took to attending the patients’ group therapy sessions to pass the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/reflections-on-psychiatry/
Mar 24
Reflections on Pediatrics I
I’m still super behind on my reflections on clinical rotations, so I actually finished this rotation up back in…early February. (I’m catching up, slowly but surely!)
I loved this rotation! The learning environment was super welcoming and laidback. My preceptor would ask me questions, but would never make me feel terrible …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/reflections-on-pediatrics-1/