I’ve been super slacking in the blogging world lately–there’s been so much stuff to take care of and this year’s gone by so quickly! We’re nearing the end of interview season and I’ve been doing hospital/clinic tours. I consider it an accomplishment that we haven’t gotten lost yet–our hospital is under construction at the moment …
Tag: beauty
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/6-brands-that-give-back/
Oct 31
My Fall Nighttime Skin Care Routine with Clarisonic
Hello, world! I’m on my second week of nights right now and have been getting varying degrees of sleep, so my blogging has been a little rocky lately, but I’m back again, this time to share…my fall nighttime skin care routine with Clarisonic! (It’s a nighttime routine because I hate mornings and don’t …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/my-fall-nighttime-skin-care-routine-with-clarisonic/
Oct 04
Snail Slime For Skin Care?
If I haven’t completely freaked you out the eff out with the title of this post, stay a while and listen! (Anyone get that reference? :P )
Snail mucin is what snails use to heal their bodies from cuts when they’re traveling over rocks and rough surfaces–in skin care products, it helps to replenish moisture …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/snail-slime-for-skin-care/
Sep 27
How To Target Your Skin Care Concerns
Before I start with this post, I’m just gonna throw out there that the 3 best things you can do to take care of your skin are:
- Eat and sleep well.
- Stay well hydrated.
- Sun protection.
Sadly, this is one of those things where I really can’t practice what I …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/how-to-target-your-skin-care-concerns/
Aug 23
The Skinny Confidential
So…back in 2015, I won Tricia’s giveaway for Lauryn Evarts’ The Skinny Confidential (affiliate link!), and as you probably know by now, I love reviewing books, particularly when they’re about healthy living or food!
If you’re used to my cookbook reviews, I’ll have to forewarn you that although this book does …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/the-skinny-confidential/