Welcome back to Week 2 of the Spring 2024 One Room Challenge! If you’ve never heard of this, it’s a bi-annual challenge that takes place every spring + fall — participants pick a room to transform and share their progress throughout the course of 8 weeks followed by a reveal on week 8!
Welcome to April’s Ultimate Coffee Date + Fit Five Friday! (It’s my birthday month! :] ) I don’t have much planned, but am happy that my birthday happens to fall on a weekend! If the weather cooperates, I’ll be spending it diving in Monterey and picking up trash in the ocean for …
Welcome to the third Ultimate Coffee Date of the year! I don’t have a whole ton in the way of updates this month, but sometimes no news is good news? Let me know what’s been going on in your life! :] Catch up on #life with me for the …
Welcome to the very first Ultimate Coffee Date of 2024! It’s already another new year! I’m on the tail end of my 7th straight day of working, so I’m super excited to have a weekend soon!
Welcome to Fairyburger! :] I'm Farrah, a Family Medicine physician in the SF Bay Area who aspires to lead by example, and loves all things fitness and food-related, finding great deals, and making every moment count.
Come join me for the "My Month is Booked" linkup on the first Monday of every month to share what books you read over the past month + get reading inspiration from other bloggers/readers! :]
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