A Summer Fitness Challenge with Amazfit

As you may already know, I love a whole lot of different activities. My last (and only) fitness tracker was a Fitbit Flex that I got way back in 2015 (2014?)–it unfortunately met its untimely demise when I went to the beach earlier last month and jumped into the ocean without remembering to remove it.

A week of chillin’ in a bowl of rice later, I realized it wasn’t going to come back to life…but I’m more okay with it than I normally would be. If you want to find out why, read on!

A Summer Fitness Challenge with Amazfit

I recently got my hands on the Amazfit Stratos!

I’ve never owned a smartwatch in my life, so the sheer amount of functions this one had was almost a bit overwhelming. It can track your running, walking, cycling, swimming, ellipticals, mountaineering, trail running, triathlon, tennis, soccer and skiing (what what?).

You know I’m forever trying to add cardio back into my life, with varying degrees of success, most of which I owe to Gixo and randomly signing up for a race with my friend Trish.

Amazfit is currently running a summer fitness challenge--you can get 20% off all Amazfit products with my discount code, (FAIRYBURGER)! Be sure to check out their Instagram, Twitter and Facebook using #amazfitchallenge for their latest content, promotions + giveaways too!

I have tiny wrists, so I’m usually not the biggest fan of ginormous watches, but this is awesome enough that I actually don’t mind.

Like most other fitness trackers, this can keep track of your daily steps, distance traveled, calories burned, heart rate, sleep quality, and also gives you [optional] movement reminders. It also notifies you when you get emails, texts, calls and other notifications.

The data syncs to the Amazfit app on your phone so you can easily access all the information it tracks. I had some issues with it syncing about a week in but the customer service was super prompt in addressing this and helping me to figure out how to fix this.

I’ve actually been averaging 6ish hours of sleep, which is 1 hour more than it’s been for the past decade or more! :O

If you’re a fan of music (I majored in it once upon a time)–you can actually transfer music straight to the Stratos to listen to if you don’t feel like lugging your phone with you somewhere! (Just make sure you have a pair of wireless headphones–I’m still partial to my Aftershokz! <3).You can check out Amazfit‘s Spotify playlist here!

Being the EXB (Exercise Biology) nerd that I still am, I thought it was pretty awesome that it even has a way to analyze your VO2 max, as well as your exercise load (TD) and recovery time.

I’ve been switching between working in the pediatric emergency room and seeing patients at the office over the last couple weeks so life has been a tad rough in terms of work hours, but I’ve still managed to fit in 4 runs despite that! I’m hoping to take this into the pool next to escape the heat and humidity!

My VO2 max is actually not as terrible as I thought it’d be. I definitely have room for improvement, but I’ll be working on it! :]

  • Do you have a fitness tracker? Get 20% off with my discount code: FAIRYBURGER (valid through 8/19!)
  • What’s a sport/activity you’ve been wanting to try?
  • What activity did the fitness quiz give you? It told me to try slacklining!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/summer-fitness-challenge-amazfit/


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  1. I like the looks of that one! Sounds like it has a ton of great features

    1. It definitely does! It’s kinda been motivating me to do more running so I can see my stats, hahaha.
      Farrah recently posted…A Summer Fitness Challenge with AmazfitMy Profile

  2. What an amazing smart watch! It looks like it gives you a lot of data too which I love.

    1. I’ve definitely been lovin’ that part too! :D!

  3. I have a Pebble smartwatch because I got it super discounted when they went out of business, but it’s pretty basic on the fitness features. I’ve been wanting one that has heart rate tracking too.

    1. Discounts are the best! *-* I’ve been wanting to see what my resting heart rate is, so this has definitely been making that easier to track!

  4. Awesome watch! So glad you found something you love!

    1. Thanks so much, Jenn! :] Me too! :]
      Farrah recently posted…A Summer Fitness Challenge with AmazfitMy Profile

  5. I’ve never used a gps watch while running. this sounds like it would maybe be a good starter.

    1. I haven’t either, but I really like that feature! No more needing to estimate where it was that I ended up running (+ for what distance)! :P
      Farrah recently posted…A Summer Fitness Challenge with AmazfitMy Profile

  6. This looks like a neat little “toy” LOL Probably too many bells and whistles for me to figure out, though (I’m a total #techidiot)

    1. haha, I think of it as a “toy” too–I’m not too great when things come with a ton of features but it’s been a lot of fun little discoveries that I keep finding new features to! :P

  7. Wow! That looks like a fun smartwatch! It does so much! Glad you were able to get the chance to try it out. Perfct timing too.

    1. It definitely was perfect timing!! :P

  8. I love the amount of data that this watch provides you with. I’m such a data nerd when it comes to my running stats.
    Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 10My Profile

    1. I’m a total data nerd too! It’s nice having it all there in front of me! :P Makes me actually want to go run more so I can collect more stats, hahah.
      Farrah recently posted…A Summer Fitness Challenge with AmazfitMy Profile

  9. Sounds like an awesome tracker! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! :]!

  10. Oooo, so many cool bells and whistles on this watch. Love the sleep info!

    1. Me too! I can see how terribly (well, little) I’ve been sleeping, ahaha. x_x!

  11. What a cool watch! Looks like it has a lot of options!

    1. It definitely does! I keep discovering new ones, haha. I feel like I gotta try out all the activities it can track!!

  12. I had a tracker a few years ago but once it died I never replaced mine. The face is big but it has lots of functions. I need to check it out never heard of this tracker.

    1. haha, yeah–my tiny wrists definitely don’t help with the big watch face. I’m usually not a fan of ginormous watches but this one I’d definitely make an exception for! :]

  13. There are so many smart watches these days. I really like the data screens on this one. I used my Garmin to track some ski runs – it was pretty cool!

    1. That’s awesome! I haven’t gone skiing since I was 7! Maybe I should take up a winter sport…

  14. oh wow. I’m a Garmin girl but your watch does a few things mine doesn’t! Like the music and V02 max option! cool!

    an activity I would like to try is Yoga or Crossfit (complete polar opposites from each other of course).

    I got street golf for a new sport! haha! I hate golf!!!

    1. I’ve heard great things about Garmin, but I’m hoping this will last me forever, haha. :P

      hahaha, I didn’t even know street golf was a thing! (I’m not a fan either–I’d rather do yoga or try Crossfit!)

    • Darlene on August 14, 2018 at 6:20 am
    • Reply

    My fit bit bit the dust as well. I have an Apple Watch.

    Your new device sounds great.

    I now need the mojo to take advantage of the fitness features.

    1. On my busiest days, I just use it to track my steps and to remind me to move every once in a while, hahaha.

  15. What a great tracker! I’m in the market for a new running watch- this one looks fab!

    1. Best of luck in your search! I really like this one! :D!

  16. This is such a great suggestion! I have never gotten a fitness watch but I will definitely consider it now :)

    Xoxo, Ashley | https://thehoneyscoop.com/a-letter-to-the-clothes-im-leaving-to-go-back-to-school/

    1. I like this one a lot! <3! It's actually been motivating me to go run, hahaha.

  17. Oh wow, this really does do a lot. That’s awesome though. I have very small wrists too though, so I don’t know about the large size. haha I LOVE that you can add music to the watch though!
    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Show Us Your Books – Books for All Age Groups!My Profile

    1. haha, yeah, that’s the only thing I never would’ve gone for butttt the rest of its features make up for it so the pros outweigh the one con! :P!

  18. Looks like that watch covers all the bases. The quiz gave me slacklining as well!

    1. It definitely does!

      I’ve tried slacklining once but I was pretty terrible!
      Farrah recently posted…My Experience with Personal Trainer FoodMy Profile

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