I’m aware that it’s not actually Sunday yet, but I have another post reserved for tomorrow and this doesn’t actually have to be done on Sunday, soooo…
I’m joining in on Spill It, Sundays, which is a weekly linkup to get to know more about different food/fitness/healthy lifestyle bloggers outside of those aforementioned parameters. Arman is a fellow Recipe ReDuxer, and you can find out more about Spill It, Sundays over here!

- I pretty much live in my study room right now (see here for the fully mapped out picture of said study room), so I really only interact with my housemate (I really only see her on weekends because she’s always working and I’m always studying) and my friend Pixie, who studies in the room across the hall from me. We communicate by way of dry-erase markers on our respective windows, so as not to disturb each other’s study-progress.

Mike has returned to the catacombs so he drew a pair of boobs on my window (…). When he angled himself in the right way, it’d look like they were on him. Pixie came by the morning after and transmuted them into amoeba-racers. I promise that we haven’t completely lost our minds, although we are getting close to that point.
The last…sweet food you ate?
- Sasha bought this super fancy Congo Vanilla Nib 65% dark chocolate for Pixie, who gave most of it to me because she didn’t want to eat all of it. :O
The last…savoury food you ate?
- I made a tuna salad to put on my bagel this morning. Recipe will follow in a couple weeks…(I schedule everything into the future, haha.)
The last…blog you visited?
- Mommy’s Getting Strong. She’s on my GGSA team and had a recipe for grilled chicken and mango avocado salsa that looks absolutely amazing. <3
The last…blog you commented on?
- Suzlyfe! She’s hilarious and I love her posts (and food pictures <3)!
The last…recipe you tried out?
- I’m half-assuming that this means trying out a recipe that someone else made…so that would be Sweet & Spicy Dijon-Encrusted Salmon! (Made by another fellow Recipe ReDuxer!) It’s been a while! I’ve been branching out and coming up with my own stuff from scratch lately (:O!!!)!
The last…item you pinned on Pinterest?
- Honey Ginger Glazed Chicken with Green Tea Jasmine Rice! :O It looks amazing.
The last…TV show you watched?
- I am hopelessly behind on all the TV shows in the world, except perhaps Game of Thrones, because my friends and I make it a point to clear out an hour on Sunday evenings to gather around for dinner/the show before we get back to our respective study hovels. It’s super srs bsns in that we don’t allow any conversation to take place while it’s playing, hahaha. I haven’t seen the season finale yet since one friend couldn’t be there last weekend, so we are waiting on him to watch it together! (Our “Leave No (Wo)Man behind policy.)
The last…trip you took?
- I went home in early May for Mother’s Day and to reassure my family/friends that I was in fact still alive. It was awesome to be back, but in retrospect, I really should’ve just stayed here to study. :[
The last…time you spent money and on what?
Groceries! That’s about the only thing I ever spend money on anymore. :O It’s also the only thing (other than things required for school) that I allow myself to splurge on, because student loans suck. This was my grocery haul from last night!
- 1 Simple Truth container of organic mint
- 1 Simple Truth Organic 50/50 blend of spring mix/baby spinach
- 1 10 oz. tub Fresh Selections Baby Spring Mix
- 1 Fresh Selections Southwest Chopped Salad kit
- 3 10-oz. containers fresh blueberries
- 1 Homestead Creamery orange milk
- 1 Bear Naked Cranberry Almond bar
- 5 Yoplait Greek yogurts (Black Cherry, Tropical, Peach, Strawberry, Mixed Berry)
- 3 Kroger Greek yogurt (Peach, Pomegranate, Mixed Berry)
All for $21! :D
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Such a fun post, I love learning more about other bloggers I interact with regularly :) Also, I am glad to know that I am not the only person with mostly food pictures on my phone…I was struggling to find a recent picture of both my children on there the other day. My camera roll went food, food, food, food, food, food, crazy child pic, food, food, etc. Hahaha.
Hooray! So glad I’m not the only one! My camera roll is basically food, food, food, food, cat, food, cats, food, food, etc. If there’s a road for crazy cat ladies, I’m pavin’ my way there! :P
You had me at tuna salad…..why can’t it be tomorrow you’re posting this recipe ;)
Just noticed the amount of dairy on your grocery haul…impressive. and an impressive price!
hehehe, I promise I’ll post it sometime within the realm of…July! :D?
Yay for yogurt! It’s one of the ways I sneak in a little calcium. I exclusively shop the Manager’s Specials/sales and am a big fan of coupons, so it helps to keep the costs down!
Thanks for stopping by! :]
Awh so happy you liked it!!!
xoxo Sarah Grace, Fresh Fit N Healthy.
Thanks for sharing the recipe! I think I legitimately have a list of recipes from your blog that I want to try making. :P Everything looks so good!
That makes me so happy to hear! Reason I love pinterest, just pin it for later! :)
Agreed! That’s pretty much how/why I finally succumbed to getting pinterest. :p
Totally making that honey ginger chicken recipe in the near future. I spend the majority of my money on groceries too, i’m also a student and food is the most exciting thing i can afford .. i can justify the price because well, i need it to live.
Agreed! I don’t like spending money because student loans are going to be terrible enough as it is, but when it comes to food, I let it slide, because if I can’t splurge in any other aspect of my life, I might as well at least eat well/healthy. :P