A couple months ago, I was contacted by Charlene Carr, who recently published her first novel, Skinny Me. (I was provided with a free copy of her book in exchange for an honest review.) I actually read this back in October while I was on my early vacation, but it’s taken me ages to write the actual review because I let my Emergency Medicine rotation work me into the ground. I barely went back to my apartment to sleep, and although I’m currently on my Radiology rotation (arguably the chillest rotation I will ever have in my med school career), I still somehow never have free time. The struggle is real. :\
Charlene is super sweet, and has generously offered to give away digital copies of her book to 3 lucky winners! Do ya know what that means?
Yes indeed, it’s a giveaway! (Enter at the bottom! Review is below!)
I don’t typically review books (this is actually my first book review!), not because I don’t love to read, but because I (sadly) don’t really have much time to read for fun anymore. Once upon a time when I was 16, I decided to read a new book every day out of the year. (I think I actually made it to 323 books or something like that; let’s just say that the school librarian got to know me really, really well.) Most often, any of the reading that I get to do these days involves journal articles, textbooks and study notes and patient charts.
That being said, aside from fantasy + psychic powers and that sort of awesomeness, realistic fiction is my favorite genre, and chick lit happens to be one of my guilty pleasures (shhhh…). This was right up my alley because I could read it without needing to do a whole ton of introspection and deep thinking, nor did I have to answer a bunch of exam questions on it afterward! ;P

Pages: 158 (print version)
I didn’t include the synopsis because I’m trying to avoid being clobbered for spoilers! :O!
Skinny Me is the first book in the “A New Start” series, and is about Jennifer (“Jenn”), an overweight 27-year-old woman whose life seems to be falling to pieces. She’s lost her job, her mother’s passed away, her brother’s been in a terrible accident, and despite pretty stellar qualifications, she can’t seem to find a new job. Jenn decides that in order to be successful in life and to find the happiness she deserves, she needs to lose weight.
I don’t want to give too much away, but I really enjoyed this book. I generally cannot like a book if the protagonist has no redeeming qualities, and in Skinny Me, the protagonist is very real in the sense that even though I highly disagreed with a lot of what she was doing/thinking, I could still relate to a number of her thoughts, especially in the beginning. I admired how much determination she had when she first started off on her mission and I liked that she initially went about it the right way.
But…this book is also a testament to how much negative self-talk can destroy your life, how important it is to be positive, and how much of a difference having a great support system in your life (whether it be through family, friends, etc.) can be. As Jenn progressed with her goal, there were times while I was reading where I really wanted to grab and shake her (and perhaps also yell, “Why are you doing this!?!”), because I couldn’t deal with how appalling selfish and demeaning she was to her friends and family.
That being said, however, this book does a great job of exemplifying the fact that no one is perfect, and I think in the end, what matters most is that you learn from your mistakes. I liked the progression in this novel; it reads at a good pace, and I finished it almost all in one sitting because I really wanted to find out what ended up happening. :P (The break was because I got hungry and went to go get food.)
This was one of my favorite quotes in the book!
Sometimes it’s like that in life too, we look into a past that no longer exists, looking as if it’s real. We hold onto things in our life that there’s no reason to hold onto anymore, because unlike the stars, they don’t bring us beauty, they bring us pain.
Autumn was my favorite character in this book, and as luck would have it, it looks like the second book in this series, Where There Is Life, is about her!
Enter the giveaway here! <3
If you don’t happen to win, but would still like to read this book, it’s available on Amazon on Kindle or in Paperback! (The sequel, Where There Is Life, is out too, if you want to find out what happens! ;)
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Made it to the bottom?! Check out this ginormous giveaway roundup of 24 different giveaways and Jamaica’s giveaway hub! :O!
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A book every single day?! WOW! That’s impressive, especially for a teenager!
Great review. I think that there is a variety of different ways to get messages across to people, and if fiction helps someone get over body issues, then hooray!
Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete recently posted…“Friends”, and In Case You Were Wondering What Sophia Wants for Christmas…
I’m not entirely sure what possessed me at the time, but it definitely helped with my speed-reading skills! :P
For sure! :] I liked the overall message in the book, and I love it when you can see them grow and develop through the book (even if sometimes, it’s several steps backwards along the way)!
I’m currently reading Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg.
What interests me about Skinny me is I think I can somewhat relate to Jenn. Weight has always been a struggle for me while growing up. Maybe this book can give me some sort of perspective even though it’s fiction.
<3 Jamaica
Jamaica | rarax3.com recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Recap
Although it’s fiction, I feel like her point of view was pretty realistic. She thinks/voices a lot of things that I think a lot of people struggling with their weight would be able to relate to. The book also really makes the reader appreciate their support system/friends/family even more! :P
A book a day?! Wow. Your other school work must have been easy! I read a ton of fiction, too. I prefer easy reads like the one you are reviewing to TV. I a currently reading a series of mysteries by Alafair Burke. I am on #4 of the Ellie Hatcher books. I read Celeste Ng’s “Everything I Never Told You” #1 on Amazon’s 2014 best books list recently, too.
I am interested in this b/c you say you can relate though you disagree. I am intrigued!
Erica @ erica finds recently posted…Live Life Fully, Play Long & Travel Well with prAna + #SweatPink
haha, I wish it was! It was during my sophomore year of high school, so I was slaving through honors chemistry and desperately trying not to fail at life. I think I used reading as a sort of escape, because chemistry made my life absolutely miserable. :[ (I still hate it even now, haha.)
I just read the synopsis of Everything I Never Told You and it sounds super intriguing!
Sounds like an interesting book. Although, admittedly, at first I was like *yawn* when I read the protagonist had been hit by just about every mishap possible ;-)
Alex – Funky Jungle
Alex recently posted…Squaremania – Plaid, Chessboard, Yellow Lace Ups
hahaha, I don’t know, sometimes in life, I feel like all the bad things seem to pile up all at once. Better to get over all of it in one go? :P
I love the message of this book. And it’s different. I read alot. I feel like it’s the same book just different characters every time. I will have to check this out!
Jen recently posted…The At Home Pedicure
I hope you like it! :D I’m giving away 3 copies, so you could very well win one! :P
I can’t even remember the last book I read but this book sounds like something I’d enjoy because of its overall themes and message.
Gloria recently posted…Celebration Run San Diego – Half Marathon – Race Recap
haha, I’m with you there! I don’t get much of a chance to read books anymore these days; it’s rather saddening! I liked the message in this book too! :]
The last book I finished was the Pilgrimage of Colorless Tazaki Tauri (I think thats how you spell it haha)
Cassie recently posted…ClassPass Review
hahaha, I’d never know if you were right or not! :O That’s a difficult one. :x
A short yet interesting read! It sounds like a good one! The last book I read was “I Wear The Black Hat” by Chuck Klosterman….my UW class was based off of this work, haha!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…The Ultimate Unique Foodie Gift Guide + {A Spectacular Giveaway}
I’ve never heard of that one, but I’ve apparently heard of his other work, “Sex, Drugs & Cocoa Puffs!” I haven’t read that one either because I lag at life in general, but both sound really interesting. I’m gonna have to make a booklist of things I should read soon. :O
The last book I read was Sweet Fire. It’s a non-fiction book about reducing sugar in the diet.
Kay Lynn recently posted…12 Holiday Hostess Gift Ideas #BBNShops
That sounds like a useful one! I’d never have guessed it from the title! :o
the last book i read was gone girl!
I’ve heard a lot about that one! Thankfully, I haven’t come across any spoilers yet, but I need to get on that. :O
Hi there!
It was exciting to see so many people participate in the giveaway! For those who didn’t win, if you’d still like to read the book I decided to make a link for Farrah’s readers to download the ebook for 50% off!
Have a wonderful day!
The link – http://selz.co/1yJtuDT
Charlene recently posted…Once Upon A Time … We Believed In Happy Endings
Thanks so much! :] That’s so nice of you! I included a blurb about it in today’s post! :]