pumpkin picking | fairyburger

pumpkin picking

Apparently, pumpkin/apple picking is one of the quintessential fall activities that you really shouldn’t miss out on over here. As such, I embarked on my very first pumpkin-picking expedition today with one of my housemates! I rode a tractor with her and some of her friends out to the pumpkin fields.

Here’s me with my 15 lb. pumpkin! (I was doing arm curls with it. >_>) I have grand plans for this goodness, including roasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin muffins and all kinds of other pumpkin goodness. Recipes will likely follow after next weekend.
This picture is, by the way, proof that I have indeed grown taller, however slightly, since freshmen year of high school. (I wore the oldest pair of jeans I had here in case the fields were super muddy.) I am not understanding how I fit into these still because my butt does not fit into a size 1 at any store anymore (including the one I got these from), and yet, it fits into these. Mysteries of life.

They also had apple butter! So yep, again, more recipes with this will likely come soon. Under $4 for a 19 oz. jar seemed like a great deal to me, especially considering that it’s free from preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, and all those crazy things they usually put into them. They had peach butter and pumpkin butter too, but I had to limit myself to just one, and apples are more of a fall fruit than peaches (I think). I’d love to try making my own sometime when I’ll be staying in a place for longer than a year (and have a bigger kitchen).

Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/pumpkin-picking/

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