Pineapple Coconut Popsicles

Welcome to our weekly Foodie Friday link up! I’m linking up with Annmarie from the Fit Foodie Mama, Emily from Whatever Floats Your Oats, Esther from Chocolate Runner Girl, and Cassandra from Powered By Bling, to create awesome healthy recipes each week!

Today’s theme = Frozen Treats! Make sure you hop around to check out all the amazing recipes in this link up and feel free to add your recipes as well!

I bought some popsicle molds for a couple bucks wayyy back in my first year of med school, and haven’t utilized them all that much, so I figured now was a good a time as any to start!

Come to think of it, blending pineapple juice with the coconut water would’ve been a great idea, but…I used the pineapple juice for another recipe. Feel free to experiment with this! :P

2-Ingredient Pineapple Coconut Popsicles



  • 1 can coconut water with pulp
  • 1/4 – 1/2 cup fresh or canned pineapple, diced


  1. Pour coconut water into popsicle molds, and evenly distributed diced pineapples into each.
  2. Freeze overnight.


End-of-Week-ish Recap!

Foodie Friday
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Join us next week for our feature ingredient…Peanut Butter!

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  1. I must get popsicle molds! These are so easy and such a healthy summer treat!
    Michelle recently posted…7 Ways to Be Healthy and Fit TodayMy Profile

    1. Thankfully, they’re not too expensive! :D! I got mine for about $4! :O

  2. That looks delicious! I love coconut and pineapple – perfect for summer.
    Wendy@Wholistic Woman recently posted…No Churn Ice Cream {Book Review & Giveaway}My Profile

    1. Thanks, Wendy! :D Coconut + pineapple = definitely one of my favorite combinations!

  3. pineapple coconut is such a killer combo!
    Linz @ Itz Linz recently posted…Do you like chemicals?My Profile

    1. Agreed! :D!

  4. Coconut water whyyyyy. Ok fine, I know why. But still.
    Susie @ SuzLyfe recently posted…Make My Day! Things That Make Me SmileMy Profile

    1. It is a magical substance! :O

  5. Yum! The kids and I have been in popsicle making mode lately. Summer mode is full on in our house :)
    jill conyers recently posted…16 Foods for Healthy Glowing SkinMy Profile

    1. hahaha, that’s the best mode to be on! ;P

  6. These look so refreshing! Do they taste like pina coladas?!!
    Meal Makeover Mom Janice recently posted…My Visit to Block Island and Farm to Table Dining at the Spring House HotelMy Profile

    1. They’re a little less sweet, but I adore em’! :O

  7. love that these only have two ingredients!! They look so tasty :)
    Rachel @ Athletic Avocado recently posted…BBQ Spiced Sweet Potato FriesMy Profile

    1. Thank you, Rachel! :D

  8. Oh YUM – I think I’ll try banana-coconut since I’m allergic to pineapple. I love that they are so simple!
    Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Five Things Friday: Frozen TreatsMy Profile

    1. Oh no! Banana would be a good substitute though! I’m all about the simple recipes these days!

  9. We love popsicles and now have a few molds as we were waiting for our replacement quick pop we bought a standard. These look simply delicious! I should make these in the one mold and keep them on hand for after a workout to cool down.
    Sarah recently posted…Frozen Banana Cream Protein Granola BarsMy Profile

    1. Ooo, they would be an awesome way to cool down! :D I’ll have to keep that in mind for my next workout! :P

  10. I have never thought of this combination before. I’ve been experimenting with freezing things lately and the results have been mixed… to put it mildly ÷))
    Eva recently posted…Frozen Berry Treat – Замороженное ЧудоMy Profile

    1. hahaha, I like to refer to disastrous kitchen experiments as learning experiences! :P

  11. So simple and they sound amazing! I love pineapple and coconut in the Summer. :)
    Jessica H. recently posted…Patriotic Washi Tape Paint Can LanternsMy Profile

    1. Agreed! :D There are few other things that remind me so much of summer!

  12. It doesn’t get any easier than TWO ingredients, right?! Great idea!
    Jess @hellotofit recently posted…Gluten free double chocolate zucchini muffinsMy Profile

    1. Most likely not! :P!

  13. Easy-peasy and looks so refreshing!!!
    Annmarie recently posted…Foodie Friday: 5 Creative Ideas for Wine Ice CubesMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Annmarie! They definitely are! :D

  14. This combo sounds so summery and delicious! Happy Friday!
    Marcia recently posted…Five Fitness FavoritesMy Profile

    1. Thanks, Marcia! :D Hope you had an awesome weekend!

  15. These look delicious Farrah! Thanks for sharing, I can’t wait to make them :)

    ♥ Lisa
    Strum Simmer Sip

    1. I hope you like them! :]!

  16. Can you say EASY!
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 6/19/15My Profile

    1. These days, the simpler the better! :P

  17. this is such a simple, refreshing idea for a Popsicle.
    dixya | food, pleasure, and health recently posted…Grape Plum GranitaMy Profile

    1. Thanks! :D!

  18. Woah, two ingredients– I’m blown away! So easy and refreshing!
    Emily @ Zen & Spice recently posted…How To Spend Less On GroceriesMy Profile

    1. hehehe, I’m all about the simplicity these days! :P

  19. It’s 100 degree’s outside and I am waiting for my sister to get here to go hiking. You’re post came at the perfect time, I should pop some of these in the fridge (minus the coconut, I know I am weird:) to have later this evening when I get back! Thanks for the idea!
    Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Hiking Delicate ArchMy Profile

    1. haha, all good! There are some things I don’t like that everyone else thinks I’m crazy for avoiding! :P I hope you had a fun hike with your sister! :D

  20. Those are adorable! And I love the recipe! Have used other fruits with coconut water before and loved it!!
    And the molds are awesome :)
    Esther recently posted…Foodie Friday: Frozen Mint Hot Chocolate PopsMy Profile

    1. I’m definitely going to have to try making more with other types of fruits! :D

      <3! I was so happy when I found em'!

  21. What a great idea! Simple and tasty! Thanks for sharing!
    Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…How To Be An Awesome Race Spectator: Part 2My Profile

    1. Thanks, Tricia! :D Easy + simple recipes rock my world these days!

  22. So easy. Yet so delicious.
    Valerie @ Indecisively Restless recently posted…Guest Posting on Here I Scribble!My Profile

    1. Yes indeed! :D!

  23. I have some stainless steel popsicle molds I want to get more use out of this year, this sounds like a perfect recipe to try! Thanks for sharing.
    Lisa Sharp recently posted…My Summer FavoritesMy Profile

    1. Those popsicle molds you shared are absolutely adorable! <3 I hope you get to use em' a lot! :D

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