Rim Rock to Uplands to Oak Flat Loop Trail

Welcome to Travel Tuesday! It’s my birthday today! I’m bringing you virtually over Colorado (yep, still there!) today. The Rim Rock to Uplands to Oak Flat Loop Trail was suggested to us by one of the park rangers at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.

Come hiking …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/rim-rock-to-uplands-to-oak-flat-loop-trail/

Sauteed Salmon Farro Grain Bowl

Sesame Maple Sauteed Salmon Farro Grain Bowl | @fairyburger

Welcome to Foodie Friday! I’m back this week with a recipe from last year (it could be worse, okay?) that I think you’ll love as long as you’re down with salmon (aka my favorite splurge protein) – a Sauteed Salmon Farro Grain Bowl!

Need a tasty + healthy meal? …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/sauteed-salmon-farro-grain-bowl/

Zapata Falls Trail

Welcome to Travel Tuesday! I think Zapata means “shoe” in Spanish, so this week, we’re headed to the Zapata Falls Trail (Shoe Falls?)!

Hike the #ZapataFalls Trail in #GreatSandDunes #NationalPark! #FindYourPark #nationalparks @natlparkservice

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Zapata Falls Trail in the Great Sand Dunes National Park …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/zapata-falls-trail/

Air Fryer Cashew Butter Banana Toast

Air Fryer Cashew Butter Banana Toast | @fairyburger

Welcome to Foodie Friday! It’s been about a billion years since I last posted a recipe (I’m sorry), not entirely because I haven’t been cooking at all…but yes, partially because of that. I figured I’d start small by way of this super easy Air Fryer Cashew Butter Banana Toast!

Make …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/air-fryer-cashew-butter-banana-toast/

High Dune Trail in the Great Sand Dunes National Park

High Dune Trail in Great Sand Dunes National Park | @fairyburger

Welcome to Travel Tuesday! Maybe climbing the High Dune Trail the day after I climbed the Manitou Incline wasn’t the best of ideas, but…you only live once, right?

Climb the #HighDune trail with me in #GreatSandDunes #NationalPark! #FindYourPark @natlparkservice #hiking

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High …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/high-dune-trail-in-the-great-sand-dunes-national-park/