Mozzarella-Stuffed Bruschetta Turkey Burgers with Balsamic Glaze

Presentation isn’t usually my strong suit, but I’m super-proud of how this one turned out! This is one of my prettiest foods I’ve ever made. :O It’s also the last thing I made with my two running/jogging buddies, Mekala and Sylvia, before Mekala ran away to get her PhD in Neuroscience and I …

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Family Night Dinners #1

Melanie apparently used to have “Family Dinner” nights on Sunday where she’d cook food and they’d all eat together. This tradition was broken last year because everyone would “no thank you” her and go to their rooms to eat their already-made food. I found this somewhat disheartening, so here’s a conversation from Saturday! H: Hey, …

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I’ve already mentioned somewhere on here that I am car-less, but for reiteration’s sake, I’m car-less!

This isn’t such a big deal, because I get to save on a number of things–first and foremost, a car.

If you’ve ever met Speedracer (the name of my brother’s Camry; he is so named because when I drive …

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free stuff

Since this is still one of my earlier posts, let me also forewarn you that I’m unbelievably talented at going off onto tangents. (Once again, I apologize in advance.) I’ll try not to in this one, but just believe me when I say that it happens. My mind likes to have several trains going at …

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living quarters

I am hesitant to post a picture of my room for the time being because it looks extremely cluttered. This is largely due to the ginormous box sitting by my door. I have two beds in here (one’s in the box and I’m lying on the other one).

In short, has been the bane …

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