One of my dad’s more succession concoctions. I say this only because, shortly before I left for the east coast, he made me mustard pasta, so it is still somewhat fresh in my memory. Yep, you read that correctly. Pasta with a whole lot of yellow mustard. My taste buds were horrified, but I didn’t …
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Nov 09
Wit (2001)
Yesterday, in the class that I’m auditing (I have a pretty amazing attendance rate for classes I’m not actually a part of; I even turn in assignments that I technically don’t have to do! :O ), we watched the 2001 film, Wit. I’m usually not one to go around strongly recommending movies, …
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Nov 08
Deviled Eggs (Version 1)
I was making hardboiled eggs for my sandwiches, and I happened to recall that we had a bigass container of mustard that no one else would ever touch (remember my mention of the mustard pasta my dad made? it was made with said mustard a couple weeks later ._. gg farrah).
Aside from the time …
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Nov 07
future living
It is no secret that I have been entirely too spoiled by the warm weather in California. Before I left, I had only vaguely heard of this thing called, “seasons.” I’d only seen snow a couple times in my life, and all but one of those times had been because I’d traveled there because I …
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Nov 06
Malaysian-style Egg Over Rice
One of my housemates, Hamidah, made this for dinner one day when we were feeling uninspired and decided to pool the ingredients we had together to make something cool.
Malaysian-style Egg Over Rice
Ingredients: -eggs, hardboiled -corn -red onions -tamarind -red pepper flakes -rice -ketchup or tomatoes
Instructions: 1) Hardboil or fry …
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