behold, my spine


… So it appears that ever since 2005, I’ve ended up with some kind of semi-shitty injury every other year in November/December. It’s like clockwork! :[

  • 2005: This was at my last gymnastics meet. My hands were ripped up, so I’d made some tape grips to make life a little easier on my …

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another new hobby

Sam found a pretty awesome D2 mod called Eastern Sun that’s basically like an entirely new game and is perfect for packrat 100%-completionist gamers like yours truly. Needless to say, we’ve been staying up past 4 a.m. playing every night (well, morning) because we’re full of awesome and stuff. This has wreaked all sorts of …

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This is one of my favorites of my dad’s concoctions! :D


Ingredients: -beef, shredded -1 tbsp cornstarch -1 tbsp chicken essence -soy sauce -sugar -sesame oil -salt -frozen vegetables (e.g. corn, green peas, carrots, etc.) -rice cakes -tofu

Instructions: 1) Shred beef and marinate with cornstarch, soy sauce, sugar, …

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Pesto Pasta, Veggies & Smashed Potatoes

I wrote this elsewhere about 1.5 years ago and don’t feel like editing it because it’s still how I feel. :O Just pretend you’re traveling back in time.  :]

Over the past weekend, Jun randomly called me up after I finished overloading my brain from class and asked if I was free. Needless to say, …

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Well, I have always said that I wanted to visit/spend time in Colorado…so here I am! I didn’t quite imagine it as sleeping over at the airport at the time, but I hear this is one of the best places you could be in though, in terms of needing a place to chill until the …

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