horses for healers

In case the plan for the future farm with miniature horses, the summer I spent working at an equestrian center, and the fact that my eyes light up like decked out Christmas trees whenever I see horses aren’t dead giveaways, lemme just mention that I happen to love horses. (Just so we’re on the …

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Cream of Mushroom

This is from a good while ago (last semester, when I wanted to find some kind of a use for the half and half we still had from a previous cooking endeavor). It was also back when I thought it was super cold here, and there are few things more awesome than hot soup on …

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Herbed Mashed Potatoes

Oh world, do you have any idea how much I love potatoes? :D? They’re such a magical substance (I feel the same way about bread too, haha.)

I’m not sure I can really even name a single favorite way to prepare potatoes–they’re good in so many different forms and varieties! :] …

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soupervan’s return (take 2)

Soupervan has returned (again)!  They’ve actually been back for a while, but unfortunately for me, their location for the rest of the semester happens to be the only one I can’t get to. (Or rather, it’s located on the only campus I don’t ever have an excuse/reason to be on, unless I …

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Honey Dijon Chicken

Tis one of my newest favorite recipes. I love making this one since it’s so simple and doesn’t require much in terms of ingredients. We made this for dinner one night while hanging out during spring break and it was pretty amazing. *-* It goes especially well with mashed potatoes (another mashed potatoes recipe coming …

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