Quinoa & Black Beans

I bought a whole ton of quinoa from Costco during the oh-noes-there’s-a-hurricane-coming scare back in August… I had yet to make something awesome with them because I was trying to finish off all the rice I had. This has been made slightly easier by the fact that I gave/sold a 10 lb. bag of rice …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/quinoa-black-beans/

Chinese Pot Stickers

Remember how long long ago (uh, last month), I made super basic dumplings and lamented the fact that I didn’t have more ingredients to make a more detailed/complicated dumpling? Well, here they are!! :O

For the record, they were glorious.

There is, however, an unholy amount of chopping/mincing/dicing necessary to make these, so …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/chinese-dumplings/

spoils of war

Soupervan’s last day on the Rutgers campus is tomorrow (for this semester, anyway). Sadly, this means it’s probably the last time I’ll be able to go, unless I manage to find them at their summer location (on route 18 by PNC & Hilton!) before I move across the country again.

That …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/spoils-of-war/


6F tradition calls for us to write up a list of the stuff we want, as well as the restaurant of choice for dinner, and the dessert of choice as the “birthday cake.” Although we no longer all live together (which I still think is a crying shame :'( ), we try to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/monkeybread/

Pickled Radish

This dish was one of the side dishes Melanie and I made during Valentine’s Day. :O If you missed our main course, go check out the recipe for Zha Jiang Mian / Jajangmyeon and read up on the back story of why it’s often consumed on Valentine’s Day! :P

The only pickled substances I ever …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.fairyburger.com/pickled-radish/